
Average white male
Daily curated pictures, only the best. No duplicates! Feel free to suggest themes! Tips welcome, theme suggestions along with a tip will happen faster! Donations <3 -------------------- @inquisitor_firebrand - 20 tokens (!) @Vulgaris_magistralis - 1 token @SSuiteOffice - 2 tokens @twodogs29 - 5 tokens @TheGypsyThread - 4 tokens @dragonman404 - 5 tokens @SwittersB - 2 token @DavidGreem - 3 tokens Thanks friends ;) (let me know if you want your donation to be anonymous)
This has now bee labelled a NSFW channel when iit isn't, so I'll cease posting.
Politically Incorrect - And Always Right Gab: WrongThink:
Freedom seeker and 4re
 Multiculturalism Is Code For White Genocide Diversity + Proximity = War White Guilt Is A Form Of Thought Control  We Should Never Be Ashamed Of Who We Are And Where We Come From We Must Not Allow The People Who Hate Us To Erase Our History, Vilify Our Ancestors & Dictate The Future Of Our Nations This Is A Call For Our People To Reflect On And To Unashamedly Celebrate The Achievements & Contributions Of Our People This Is Our World Too    
provocative content. All content here including all images are copyright protected ©️ We are a group who enjoys a woman’s body and a quality beer. We like good whiskey and fine cigars. We are blue collar sort of salt of the earth types. We like muscle cars and fast cars. Big diesel pick-ups and cool guns. We do what we want. If you like what you see, like it, up vote it, comment and let us know. This page is his and he is Eannatum 𒂍𒀭𒈾𒁺 Sumerian king of Lagash and God king of CocksmanTools.
May 2019
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