***Keep your comments respectful!***
Photographer and artist of many different genres and styles. Including but not limited to glam, cosplay, horror, goth, fantasy, and more. Just a independent artist trying to
make his dreams come true.
***Wires are greatly appreciated
***If you're interested in any of my art prints please direct message me for details.
***If you'd like to support my work further you can check out my other social media
Instagram- AC_photo13
Facebook page- facebook.com/acamastro13
***You can also find some products that I have for sale on my Redbubble account www.redbubble.com/people/acphoto13
Holder of Heel; God May Protect Victory of the People to Strike a Coup d'état of the Bureaucracy. Restore our Constitutional Republic! Most Media: @AlmostAnarchy
What does a scanner see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does it see into me? Into us? Clearly or darkly? I hope it sees clearly because I can't any longer see into myself. I see only murk. I hope for everyone's sake the scanners do better, because if the scanner sees only darkly the way I do, then I'm cursed and cursed again.