Liberty-leaning Originalist, Pro 1A & 2A, Patriot, Retired Counter-Intel/ LEO, and gun toting toxic Alpha Male... I hunt the evil you pretend doesn't exist, NRA life member, and Army Vet... We must AUDIT all 50 States and get rid of the ES&S voting machines, DOMINION voting machines, and SMARTMATIC voting software... Until then, ALL election are UNSECURE and FRAUD...Opinions don't matter, Lets talk facts!
A living soul, Sui Juris, Jus Soli
Without Prejudice, Without Recourse
All rights retained.
Notice to agents is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents. UCC ยง3-402 (b)(1). UCC 1-308 & 1-103.
Holistic Health only!
Im a lover of freedom, medicine, clinical research Chicago sports teams & mystical Catholicism & Christianity. I feel that a Saint is someone who perseveres & gets back up after committing sin through the sacraments but mainly through the body & blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
I'm just an old country boy. I try to avoid town as much as possible. Directions to my house include "turn off the dirt road, and it's another half mile up the driveway".
Libertarian * pUrBlud * Patriot * Free Thinker
"I Will Not Comply"
Godsmack Lyrics
"Moon Baby"
"Moonlight is thought to transform some people into strange creatures to drive others mad."
"Hola, soy Fernando Allende."
"One small step for man...giant leap for man..."
"Does the moon actually possess such strange powers? Or is it all just lunacy?"