The Peoples Philosopher. G. Daft Punk Interstella quantum physics Karma energy. Kendrick Lamar needs to meet Ron Paul. 9/11 was a false flag. AZT kills. *With age Traditional Catholicism solves most problems.
About my page:
There will be stuff you don't like. I'm going to post it anyway.
Memes, News, Updates and funny stuffs updated on a daily. I own no content posted, just sharing the fun and updates so I don't have to laugh and know what's going on alone XD🙂
You can kill the messenger but you can't kill the message.
Trying to be philosophically consistent and self aware, liberty minded individual making snarky and/or insightful comments (hopefully). On occasion I will try to one up conspiracy theory types for shits, giggles and the unlikely chance they may gain some insight into how batshit crazy they really are.
I also take photos of stuff. I intend my posts here show my evolution and improvement as a photographer and (hopefully) a trend slowly moving towards technical mastery and artistic expression.
If I have one piece of advice it's "stop humoring racists/identiterians". They are objectively bad people, and you should stop assuming they're just ignorant or mistaken. They're adults, treat them like it.