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It's Tim
Going boating! 700 horse 1966 Chevelle. 1973 Anderson Sidewinder SS 14 with a 150 horse tower of power Merc.
I Won't Be Silenced! #Veteran #MAGA #PROGUN #PROBACON #ProAmerica #IFBAP... If You're Easily Offended, Let Me Know So I Can Poke Fun At You! Visit My Store At get something awesome for you and a friend! #ifbap #maga #ultramaga #usa #kag #fjb #lgb #lgbfjb #fjblgb Subscribe To My #YouTube Channel At: THE FOUR TRUTHS I KNOW! 1. THERE ARE ONLY 2 GENDERS. 2. WIVES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, EVEN WHEN THEY AREN'T. 3. #FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. 4. THE SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTS THE OTHERS AND WILL 🚫 NOT 🚫 BE INFRINGED. OH, And Biden (Brandon), Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and "Cameltoe" Kamala are the disease infecting America. And liberals are idiots. #secondAmendment #prolife #progun #freedomofspeach
Just an old Scottish witch here for memes and free speech. Likes: Shortbread biscuits and fighting tyranny Dislikes: Rule breaking, shenanigans, and Dolores Umbridge
I'm a Christian, husband, father, and friend (in that order). I like to dabble in political conversations and like open dialogue with people who having differing viewpoints. I'll talk race, religion, politics, Pokemon GO, and bacon with anyone.
A ditsy carbon based lifeform with a propensity for hardcore extreme procrastination and with the ability to drink my own body weight in cups of tea each day. My interests are interesting things, semi interesting things, slightly interesting things and silly cat videos. I was born at an early age and being male didnt quite master the art of growing up. I have a genetic mental deficiency, but as I got older my hair became less blond and more scarce so it doesnt seem so noticeable now :)
Husband, father, machinist, NY Giants! “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero
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May 2021
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