Welcome to Meme Supreme!! We're here to blow Sunshine up Your Ass 'til you Puke Rainbows!
The rules are simple: Post Funny Memes.
Minds TOS are in effect and enforced.
Extraordinary Abuse of Power: No Infographics, Robo-Ho's, or Threats!
Healthy debate is boolshit, but werdz iz werdz, so solve your problems with insults and mockery!
If you don't like something, too bad! Ignore it and move on. If it got past the Algorithms and the Admins, it's Lawful Free Speech!
If you're the lucky one or two people that get to see banned content BEFORE it gets Reported/Deleted/Banned/Raided, then do us all a favour and bring it to our attention, and you'll see we act swiftly to maintain our integrity and good standing.
Have fun and play nice out there!!!! Or be a Dick, and enjoy having your Ego, Identity, and Self-Perception Grievously Molested.
Absolutely zero blocking of Owners or admins.
Owners: @AdamBaums@myincal
Doorman: @jhafarI
Admins: Invisible Ninjas
Group founded 10/18/2018
Exclusive Meme Group For The Most Politically Incorrect Contributors And Enthusiasts
•No Degeneracy
•No Infographs
•No Watermarks Unless Unavoidable
•No Decade Old Fucking Facebook Cat Lady Bullshit
•Guard Your Grill. If You Think It Should Be Marked Explicit, Act Accordingly.
Keep It Fresh. Keep It Funny. Keep It Topical.
And Above All, Learn To Fucking Laugh, You Cunts!
Groups of similar interest:
Bigot Meme Network
~~ So much Beauty - So little time ~~
Looking for Blondes that shows the lovely #Female form {no trans women} in an #Erotic, #Sexy or just plain #Beautiful way.
Might also be couples in #Sensual or #Sexual activities. #Naked or non-nude is fine.
#Blondes ~ Beautiful ~ Erotic
1) MUST be Blonde - anything from a dirty blonde to a strawberry blonde.
2) No trans women.
3) ONLY then she should be Beautiful and/or Erotic
**** Remember to use #NSFW and set to #Explicit if your post shows #Nudity or #Sexual content.
Thanks for joining and sharing content.
Administrator SoMuchBeauty (aka @VincePrime)
Any content that does not follow the general theme of the group will be removed. If there are multiple posts by the same person he / she will be removed from the group. Lots of other pages / groups for almost any kind of content. Go post over there. Thanks everyone for all the great photos and GIFs.