Canopus Archives

Lover of the Triple Goddess, the Sentient Universe. Look up to the Stars to see Her body, look at the lights behind your eyes to see Her essence.
The Most Dangerous People in Financial Media. and Most Watched Financial News & Opinion Show in the World .
@KeiserReport 2011: “Buy Bitcoin $3, HODL $100K” | Max’s Virtual Currency Patent |
Educate yourself. Inspire Others. Change the world. Our Mission and Vision '' We plan to create and achieve solutions to the world's current problems, we believe that reliance on individual responsibility and positive action is more effective than reliance on government policies and programs. Knowledge is the key, but in order to put knowledge to good use we must inspire each other to ultimately change the world we live in. With education , inspiration and cooperation, people can take action to implement solutions in their daily lives which will be for the betterment of all people. In order to secure a bright future for our children we must realize the limitless potential within each of us. We will look to unite the world under love and as one race, the human race .''
Who am I? A mask behind diffrent faces, a - Pick Pocket Magician 🃏 - Lock Picker🔓 - H4ckt¡v!st_ (GreyHat) ☠ - Hardware Tinkering 🔧 - Programmer/Web Dev💻 - Linux Admin👤 - IT/AV Department🎚 - Musician 🎼 - Software & Stencil Artist🖌 - 3D_Pr¡nt!ng 🖨 - Privacy Advocate 🎭 - Video Editor🎬 - AntiSkid🚫 News more important than repetative identity Politics Boycott Google Survaillance/Censorship: use and plant trees with privacy better than Google #OpAmazonia Facebook supports Isis: during #OpIsis, they censored my anti-Isis hashtags. I will be staying in minds #Anonymous is a collection of Ideas of: Activism, Cyber Security, Freedom of Speech, Self Defence, Self Sufficiency and Relience, Health and Environment, Alternative Energy Solutions, Alternative Decentralized News #OpHongKong #OpDeathEaters #MMM
My Youtube of ±14k was deleted back in 2017 and My Facebook Page of 777k followers in 2018, I will be on Minds which is censorship free moving forward. You can also follow my personal account here @GavinNascimento Website: Patreon: Subscribestar:
Welcome to my channel; Have a laugh at my expense, or maybe yours.... First Deadly Sin: The False Comparison Second Deadly Sin: The Bad Example Third Deadly sin: Ignorance as Proof Fourth Deadly Sin: The Tautology Fifth Deadly Sin: The False Choice Sixth Deadly Sin: The Red Herring Seventh Deadly Sin: The Wrong Ending Γνῶθι σεαυτόν Μηδὲν ἄγαν Ἐγγύα πάρα δ Ἄτα Now shh; go to sleep.🌑 Oh for those of you that want to stalk me further here is an alternative link to my bio
X-Man = ex-military, ironworker, husband, homeless, welder, addict, convict, rodbuster, traveler, programmer, college student. All materials contained herein are protected by the American Fair Use Act. My page is an "Art Imitates Life" theme. Enjoy!
Sep 2020
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