
I love cats for ever
I Pledge Allegiance.... To myself first Without me there is nothing. I am I am virtue I am vice And man can not exist without both. I am the fountain of youth. My sons and daughters spring from the fountain of my youth. I am the fifth element Without me the earth, wind, fire and water lay dormant. It is by my hand that creation is possible. I am the impetus My drive sets business, art and government in motion and then tears it down. To the Law... That restricts government not man. That builds not destroys. To my family. My family provides the core of mankind. Without my family communities cannot exist. To my community. My community enhances the security that I develop for myself. My community is the basis of my state and my nation. To people on an individual basis... Until I judge you to be a threat. Then I pledge to fight you with every ounce of my being. This is my creed. Some may say that I’m crazy and believe that I am God. No. I’m only human. Some may say that I am selfish. To this I say, “Yes, I am.” I believe that selfishness is a virtue. A truly selfish person understands that before he can take care of others he must first take care of himself. Once the self is taken care of then he looks beyond himself and around himself. A truly selfish person considers the world and the future in order to make informed choices. Those that read my creed and only see me writing about me are short sighted. Individuals make up the world and the future. Without the individual there can be no future. Without the individual there are no children, no communities, no state or nation. Without the individual there is no team, no business, no government.
This channel posts the most interesting things to keep this world as interesting as possible.
Whether It Offends You Or Not, I Will Always Be "Unapologetically American" --- #Trump Won & #FJB
A picture is worth a thousand words (ॐ) Transforming AЯT into R3volution of L*v3 I tһїŋĸ ĩŧş Łð√₤ In case you'd like to support the channel Bitcoin directly 1DiTz96N6H69AWGKcKZ9x7NDQhTz5cQV8o
Funny jokes, memes and general shithousery
Music in video games are often taken for granted, but some of the best music I got the pleasure to hear comes from just that! from video games! This channel is dedicated to show you the best music that video games got to offer, sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride :) I'm making music mixes of games that have very good music. Both old & new games, also many different styles of music and types of games. Official Minds account for GameMusicHallberg You can also find me on YouTube. Soundcloud BitTube BitChute Twitter Steemit Enjoy the music!
Jan 2019
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