Time to truly seek the Life!
The evil scribes of the professed sâţâ´nist religious group members have coded [hidden] tremendous amounts of Truth from you, keeping it as their own private stash, including the Truth Itself, but all of it is now in the process of being decoded [revealed]!
Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh: accept no substitutes!™
I made memes, videos, gifs, music, voice overs, song parodies, podcasts. I guess I've come a long way from my original parody account. Former Technology Evangelist and Game Industry Veteran
[Legal Statement]
The views and opinions expressed by Mind's David Hogg are that of a fictional entity created for entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as anything other than entertainment. If you take offense to anything I post, you probably didn't get the joke.
I am not a doctor, lawyer or financial adviser. Don't take anything I say as medical, legal or financial advice.
[Notice to people who spam my comments] I charge $100 USD per spam post. I will find you and collect one way or another. I will take 100 minds tokens if you send them to me immediately after you spam post and will wave the $100
Standing on Solid Ground is a podcast hosted by Kim Jones. It's an inspirational, motivational, and spiritual podcast that serves to uplift people's spirits in their daily lives.
Editor: Xavier H. -- Full time editor, part-time worker, college student
The Blockchain Enthusiast
Love Tech that pays
An original Cr@žý Wəïrd
#Pantsula (Smart Rebels)
Life is full of Eish, so make Eish out of it