
Beer, Booze, Pets, Plants
There's a widespread one-sidedness in the discussion on racism. We believe in free speech and don't believe in regulating "hate speech", as it's not an attack. In the context of a low-grade genocide of whites in South Africa, anti-white racism is widespread & practiced boldly & openly & violently. Since most don't know the languages, it's often "hidden in plain sight". The concept of collective guilt is wrong. Will remove posts if person apologizes for racism. To be clear, not all black people are racist; there are also sometimes positive comments from black people defending whites or calling out other black people on racism. The trend though appears to be toward increasing racism. God loves all his people
conservative, love my kids life, freedom, dancing, walks, cooking, drives and good positive people
Christian Apologist/Teacher
I'll be your tour guide for this evening
lofi rap tapes and cartoon art
Genetically modified hybrid feline, escaped from U.S. military testing facility. Upper and lower titanium canine implants, nano-carbon nails. Rescued from an alley in a dark city, where my present master found me. Optional armor, fabricated by my master who was once a dive-welder near Christmas Island in the Line Islands and now a fine jeweler in Fairfield County Connecticut. I avenge my brethren in the animal world who have fallen prey to the abuses of the human animal. Have animosity, will travel.
Dec 2019
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