FB stuff and skateboarding and whatever else tickles my fancy. All videos including music are produced by me.
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☘ "Too weird to live; Too rare to die" ☘ ~Hunter S. Thompson~
Daily Memes Political Skullduggery Blunt Commentary Uncommon Sense
#Art Planet | Kindly subscribe and wire few tokens to keep this channel Alive. No amount of token is too small. ***Everyone has peak performance potential – you just need to know where they are coming from and meet them there.***
Welcome to MY channel! Have a look around, like a few posts, send me some tokens, let me know what you think, and we will be able to discuss/exchange ideas/information. To be clear, I do not think outside the box- I've transcended that shit, and realized THERE IS NO BOX. This is a space for me to express MY thoughts, so kindly do not follow if you have random emotional outbursts when reading information that contradicts your most likely never questioned beliefs. The rest of you, subscribe and let me blow your mind 👀💨. *disclaimer* I will block you in a heartbeat! 😄Always keep in mind that *you* are but a guest (an absolute honor for you, might I add- bc I rock!) on MY page. If you disagree with any of my posts, we can politely discuss; but GTFOH if you think I'm going take your condescending ass tone and or name calling, and then attempt to have a civil discussion with you as if I owe you that kind of time. Been there, done that- I'm not trying to convince anyone of shit else but to #questioneverything and *do your own research*. This is a TROLL free zone. Don't like what I have to say keep it pushing 😘✌. Sincerely, Management
Just a page of memeingless post. Send me memes. If they make me laugh I will repost and tag you.
Revisiting this project with a different perspective. Even a dollar of support is VERY appreciated:: Read from the beginning on the official website:
Creating and sharing content in the name of Liberty. We are here to make memes and drop commies. And we are all out of commies! 🚁🚁🚁 🔥THE WALL OF LIBERTY🔥 (psst, your name could be here)
Borg From the 80's Barbarous, Primal individual. Supports honesty and integrity. So, obviously, is a shunned free speech advocate 🤔.  Streams Lowfi. Streams Retro. Anti-establishment. The usual. Horror. Metal. Freedom. Stream ⇨   YouTube ⇨ BitChute ⇨ Twitter ⇨ #gaming #MindsGaming
Feb 2019
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