
Photos in my header are my own, Nikon dlsr converted by lifepixel. Can everyone who follows me consider donating tokens to @MissKitty22 Favorite Channels awesome ladies!! @jrphilippe @entryreqrd @brandyd @myincal Link to Cuntopedia. Your favourite Albanian/Aussie chick mad as a cut snake with Aspergers. Very much Anti-western feminist. I hate both the far right and left as mixed race the far right wants to rape and murder me as I am a mud blood slut and the far left calls me a white supremacist because I am a conservative. My boyfriend says I BANG LIKE A DUNNY DOOR IN A CYCLONE. I am twenty-four years old, young by most standards, but I am ancient in the knowledge I possess. All my life, I have had a reputation for being cold, unfeeling. Some have called me heartless, ruthless, even cruel. I am not. I am not beyond emotional response or compassion. But I possess - and I count this as perhaps my paramount virtue - a singular force of will. Throughout my life it has served me well to draw on this facility and steel myself, unflinching, at all that the wretched Liberal & Democrat can throw at me. To feel pain or fear or grief in my duty to purge them is to allow myself a luxury I cannot afford. FOR PAMELA (this is the girl in my avatar, she was raped and dismembered alive), DESIREE AND ALEXANDRA I WILL Suffer not the Liberal to Live, Burn the Feminist, Kill the SJW, Purge the Democrat!! Pamela "KEEP CRYING ABOUT HOW SCARED YOU ARE THAT WE ARE BEING WEAPONIZED FOR THE UPCOMING CRUSADES" Some More Awesome Users. @i3utm @SmilingArcher @Decontrol @Nevinrral @The_Mad_Pirate @glomm111946 @green_weevil @godlessgirl Lastly send me fucking sexual dm's and your blocked. My Piccie Blog, just classy nudes not hardcore. Fav Vids I have posted don't click if you don't want to see nudity.
이나영★2DArtist★Omnomnommer of foods★Mrgrgr-er of things★LoL/GW2/HotS/OW/MHW★ ✧ Work email:[email protected] ✧ Hi! I'm just a typical illustrator on the interwebs who likes to draw tons of fanart and cute things :3 Art Store:
“ those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities “ Voltaire... I’ve had enough . Enough pc sjw progressive bull shit ....Enough race baiting, anti Semitic , anti Christian ... enough climate change hysteria. ...enough rewriting history.... enough lies and deceit.. enough of being the silent majority cus being silent not making things better. I’m a dyslexic technophobic slightly mouldy married woman with teenage sprogs . No social credit mobile phone. I can’t even complete this sites set up. So the crypto is irrelevant to me. So why am I bothering to add my 2 pence worth? . Because one of my daughters friends, a girl I’ve watched grow up had overdosed on the climate hysteria. I watched her change from a fun loving happy kid to a morbid angry depressed teen. I listened to her, everything she was saying was insanity . It’s taken me months to walk her back. The good news is she is not joining Extinction Rebellion any time soon .. .. check sites like ... watts up with .. electroverse . .. Climate change dispatches . The grand solar .. . The heartland Podcasts . . The independent institute. . ... the . Notalotofpeopleknowthat. ... polar bear . ... principia-scientific. International.... suspicious observations.... tony heller . Has a site and utube channel.
A little bit about me, I'm a Army veteran, photographer, professional, and adventurer. I believe there is a balance in life; I love technology but also nature. I love being right and also wrong so I can learn more. I like to live up to my family moto: Doctrinarum Studia Aeterna (Let the pursuit of knowledge be eternal) Website:
The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular cultural symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film The Matrix."
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