
Jesus loves transphobes ✝️🌈 - Christ is my Brother - The Lord is my Father - I thank Them for my human parents, my brothers, and my girlfriend
FaithUnchained is an online ministry dedicated to bringing you the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Clink the link below to subscribe to our channel. Subscribe to our YouTube:
I'm here to remind, post and talk about anything that interest me, I love music and nature you're free to remind my activities welcome to my channel
I am a cell, a humble node in the nexus of informational resistance. I have resolve, and I have teeth. (@Riot_Judah 's non-musical account) Contact (if you must): [email protected]
Chicken salad everyday keeps the doctor away Sovereignty Free Speech Advocate Outdoors Lover Nature heals... you don't need pharmaceuticals Firm believer that common sense is lacking in today's world Wannabe physicist Backyard Cosmologist Still searching for the wormhole
Alive on planet Earth.
If it seems like I don't take the world seriously, then you'd be right. Nobody should at this point in history.
well, shit the bed folks, c'mon in! 🤡👽🤖👻😈👹🎃🙀💀🦹🧞🦇 here to post stuff and steal your memes. 🙏
Feeding the Flock is an online ministry that delivers content such as; archeological discoveries that support the biblical narrative, testimonies of followers of Christ, true science backed by the Bible, Christian music videos, videos and writings from Christian authors to help in today’s world. What you will not see is; political agendas, government conspiracies or controversies, topics related to covid, pre or mid tribulation rapture supporting, various denominational teachings, the talk of war and rumors of war, or anything else that distracts from the gospel or creates a mindset of fear for those that seek Christ.
This channel posts the most interesting things to keep this world as interesting as possible.
Born to hustling Hard
Welcome to my channel
Aug 2022
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