⚡️Tomorrow's News A Few Minutes Ago⚡️
These posts are compiled for research purposes and should not be construed as activism or support of any person, group, political party, or agenda.
[Some posts may be disturbing to sensitive users. Content may include references to sexual assault and violence. Any material dealing with issues of race, immigration, religion, or sexual orientation is presented for informational purposes with no malice towards anyone. Best wishes to you.]
The Peoples Philosopher. G. Daft Punk Interstella quantum physics Karma energy. Kendrick Lamar needs to meet Ron Paul. 9/11 was a false flag. AZT kills. *With age Traditional Catholicism solves most problems.
I've concluded that I am a MAGA Libertarian (did I coin a phrase?). I will never be a Republican or Democrat. The Libertarian Party is psycho-bitch.
Do with that what you will.
I will probably offend you at some point, no matter how hard I try not to. I'll not lie and do my best to combat ignorance with humor.
I am one of the grandfathers of the BBS age. i was a hobbyist ISP running 72 TCP/IP channels and 8 dialup lines on Worldgroup in the 90s. My handle was Surfman on Inner Circle 0 to 3 day warez. PiL
My wife and I love our children and animals. We are active guardians trying to save as many critters as possible. That's me in a nutshell.
If at first you can't beat them,...then get a bigger stick.
Ok, most of the content on my channel is not original content. I have tried to give credit to videos, and other posts that i use here. Most posts here are stamped by the creators, except for my original content. I have just started using new popular web sites , and some of my new content comes from there. These posts are open to the public on many sites that i have done my research on. I AM IN NO WAY TRYING TO STEAL CONTENT FROM THE INTERNET, AND CLAIM IT IS MY OWN. Most content on the internet is stamped, and for public use. I thank the creators of this content that i am using, and i always try to give credit were it is do. Most of my posts boost my comments in an entertaining way. So, i am just sharing information, and content that has been made public by some popular web sites, and some unknown sites.
Independent, anti-groupthink, Y2K survivor, mostly post about politics, crypto and memes.
BTC: bc1qhlaewx47js9wkmde2fzaze6h0jdvmpu634afc8