
Christian not in label only but by obedience and devotion to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ❗👑🙌🤗💝
The world can be a better place if we extend the hand of love to all men
While I live and witness for Jesus. I don't follow or do things the way most do today. I look at what Jesus did while he was here. He didn't go to the 'churches' of that time and I believe it would be the same for today. Many 'congregations' of today are following traditions of men. They are comfortable with these traditions and they will and do reject the truth. They have become comfortable with watered down, money making, entertaining sermons. This didn't work for me. The world is filled with so many lies, truth is becoming harder and harder to find. This is what inspired me to share and learn as much as I can. Where two or more are gathered together in his name. He is in the midst of them. I know this to be true and have experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit when sharing with other people. It doesn't take gathering on Sunday, or in a 'special building' to experience this. One particular experience was when I approached a man in a wheel chair holding a sign. The Holy Spirit moved me to approach this man and ask him to pray for me, so I did. Words can't describe what came over me and the man in the wheel chair. When I say Jesus is real. He is as real as we want him to be. This is what I love to do. Share and talk with others and our experiences with Christ. So, please reach out and share the love that Christ has for all. Peace and blessings be with you all. Jesus to all. A special thank you and I recommend subscribing to: https://www.minds.com/Kbug68 https://www.minds.com/EPHESIANS612 https://www.minds.com/RomyFrench https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/928017083061755904 https://www.minds.com/John404 https://www.minds.com/Quangnguyen2707 https://www.minds.com/Truth101 https://www.minds.com/truthreigns https://www.minds.com/ChrisWuebbolt https://www.minds.com/Tjupuru https://www.minds.com/WVSam https://www.minds.com/Davidshem https://www.minds.com/3DAngelique https://www.minds.com/jcinchrist https://www.minds.com/FascinatingVision https://www.minds.com/PastorJuan https://www.minds.com/AWEFD https://www.minds.com/Justme7777 https://www.minds.com/CanadianPastor https://www.minds.com/Esprit1st https://www.minds.com/TechnoMageB5 https://www.minds.com/tomtomandt https://www.minds.com/ChristianConversationChannel
"When I vest my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold in judgment, I will take vengeance upon mine enemies, and I will repay those who haze me. Oh Lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints." "And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti." "Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; that is your oath." "We must always fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil that we must fear the most, and that is the indifference of good men."
SEE: Researcher/Writer Born into MKULTRA, CIA black ops; I am the actual 11 depicted in Stranger Things; I was married to Dr. Xenos; Xenos means Stranger Xenotransplantation is the transference of genetic materials from one SPECIES to another. Dr. X took my fetuses and ovum and with my evil brother John "Mengele" took my genetic materials & made babies and clones. The XFiles was started on a wiggy case of xenotransplantation filed under X in the file cabinet. I was raised by Hitlers, Eichmans, Mengeles & Speers. Now heads of CIA NSA NASA and MKULTRA. My evil brother John is head of MKULTRA, twined with me & Dr. Michael Aquino, church of SET. Joseph Mengele is my actual family. John looks like Joseph, I look like Irene Mengele and my brother David, murdered by the CIA, looked like their son, Rolf. I resided, caged at Montauk, Langley & Area51 as a child. Web: shepard-entertainment.com; twitter: Shepardout
I stand with Israel Free Speech Messianic Believer Texas Conservative Sci Fi Dallas Cowboys Trump Anti Socialism Truth Yeshua is LORD
What is The Scariest Movie Ever Made? -The one you're living in and don't even know it! My name is KJ Ozborne. Welcome to the show!
Jan 2021
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