
location_on372 Lê Văn Thọ, Gò Vấp, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Memes meant only for The Garbage Man. Only he post. But also he share.
We have the best female Trump supporters don't we folks. Let's stay on topic in here. All others will be removed. Moderated by @bayouMedic
The NRM is a right wing populist group comprised of the Alt-Lite, Shitlords, Constitutionalists, Eurosceptics, Capitalists, Secularists, Conservatives, Trump supporters, civic nationalists, and classical liberals. Most of us are not alt-right. Just to remind everyone. And all wokes aren't welcome here. Looking for a new owner for the group. Email me at [email protected]
News reports and journalism free from corporate and government influences. x spam, x ads, x off topic junk please
The #FractalUniverseRevolution is the era in which our naive civilization wakes up to a science fiction that looks like vintage upon finding the formula of the universe, or our physics in it, or Earth of our branch of the multiverse, or other fractal worlds, or other civilizations, or deities. The formula of the universe is within reach of individuals and small groups of researchers, and a few years of effort. But, it can happen overnight. Especially with the internet. Especially with #Minds. Educatedguessing this to be the most important activity our civilization can be taking part in, I vouch to do my part as bridge dweller. I would rather have nanotechnology and 99.99% brain uploaders as soon as possible and will be putting it all in to this trend anyway, from simple steps like 'Building A Universe Competition' #BAUniC, to various ways almost everything will be #FUR-ed into a new form after the formula of the universe is uncensorably spread all over, and this needs to be put into words and shown to as many minds as we can, therefore hooking it to various conversations with priority and softspamery. The #FUR is also a versatile acronym, able to express rage, lust, and several ambiguities with similar words. Memorable too. What can go wrong here? Some of the best #FUR kek has made home at ideathmatch.com, but mainly it is here that the serious #FUR, just existing in this nest of revolutions that #Minds is, can, and will, change history. Join in! Worship, praise, kek, dream, imagine, render the #FUR in here you maYes. Insult it you baNo, or go do it at your channel. Subscribe/Remind/#FUR/Like and tell a friend of similar interests directly when you can. The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable!
Guitars Enthusiasts
Everything about coffee!
Thanks for Viewing! If you're a fractal creator, please join us and post your fractals here. Join us if you just love to see this art! Post fractal art created using any software that you choose. Make sure to say which Fractal editor you used for your post. Thanks! Group Mods: @Fractalizer, @darkinmyeyes, @RedDragonLS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ POSTING ANYTHING OTHER THAN FRACTAL ART WILL BE DELETED! . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Please Credit the Original Fractal Artist if you are posting other's art. Please use # tags as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. Tags to use here: #Fractal #FractalArt #Original plus the app or software ie.: #JWildfire #Mandelbulb3D #Apophysis #Mandelbulber #FractalExplorer #Frax #Frex #MandelBrowser or any other. If posting Fractal Art by others, please use #FractalDesigners tag. HAVE FUN !!! Please Check Out Our Friends Groups DeepDream Art Group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1018311401221378048/feed The Official GIFs Group Mods: @RedDragonLS https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/844220536770330624 The Official Creations Group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1027228886395387904/feed The Minds Images Group Mods: @FretzCapo https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/622600737196613632 The Colouring The World Group Mods: @Fractalizer https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/875507690911694848
Not Legal Advice. lawful Advice. Common Lore. the uncommon law. man to man you listen i require. law is common to MAN&WOMAN . PLZZ dont post legalese or LAWYER stuff or codes the codes are not real law. the real law is common law common to man real law are unweitten ! . i am a idiot in legalese. Giving proper credit from this material im not the copyright owner for this material and im not look'n for any credit for it. i just love to SHARE!! IT. home page lastcall59 plzz SUBSCRIBE https://www.minds.com/lastcall59
„Die Grundsätze des Kampfes sind für alle Waffen die gleichen. Ihre Anwendung ist jedoch in hohem Maße bedingt durch die verfügbaren technischen Kampfmittel. Über Verwendung und Einsatz von Panzerkampfwagen sind die Meinungen noch sehr geteilt. Das ist nicht verwunderlich. Ist doch das Verharrungsvermögen bei allen Armeen – aber nur zum Teil mit einem gewissen Recht – besonders groß. Die Erfahrungen des Weltkrieges weisen zwar eindeutig auf Zusammenfassung der Panzerkampfwagen in Massen an entscheidender Stelle hin. Das entspricht auch dem Grundsatz der Schwerpunktbildung. Die Erfahrungen scheinen aber vielen noch nicht ausreichend, besonders nachdem in der Zwischenzeit die Abwehrmittel nach Zahl und Wirkung erheblich verstärkt worden sind. Eines ist aber wohl klar, daß jedes technische Kampfmittel – auch der Panzerkampfwagen – bis zur äußersten Strenge aller seiner Möglichkeiten ausgenutzt werden soll und muß. Das bedingt, daß die Möglichkeiten nicht gehemmt werden durch Rücksichten auf das vorhandene Alte. Das neue Kampfmittel soll vielmehr richtunggebend sein. Das Alte muß im Sinne der gebotenen Möglichkeiten weiter entwickelt, notfalls geändert werden.“ (Heinz Guderian, Achtung Panzer!)
A doc-series about The Creative Minds Underground. A Infinite Imaginarium and MindsGaming Production.
372 Lê Văn Thọ, Gò Vấp, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Jul 2018
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