
The CosmoPolitician 👄🗣👩🏻‍⚖️👨🏼‍⚖️ *Juicy blog dedicated to the absurdity of 21st century politics*
Keto recipes & weight loss ###💪💪💪 Follow me for free ❤❤ keto.hacker Thank you for watching ! like or share to your friends ....... follow me for great recipes! Thank you for watching, like or share with your friends ....... follow me for great recipes! What a great way to start the day, Just watch the video you can create this great dish. good luck!
Aspiring aerialist and flow artist. Explorer of the human incarnate. Movement and art lover. Reiki student. And some other themeless encounters.
"There is but one answer to terrorism and it is best delivered with a Winchester rifle." -Theodore Roosevelt
Beautiful naked women, and sexy porn clips/gifs.
Musician, professional bullshit detector. I believe we need more transparency in government. I know we are lied to on a daily basis by the mainstream media and the history being taught in schools today is not only untrue, but harmful to any independent free thinking individual. I believe freedom of speech is one of the most sacred rights we have as individuals. I welcome dissenting opinions as long as they are presented in a decent, coherent manner. I enjoy truth, beauty and unusual stories. I follow lots of different people and post lots of things I find interesting. If I post something it's because I find it interesting, thought provoking or beautiful. I don't always agree wholeheartedly with everything I post but I do truly enjoy hearing what others have to say. I find irreverent humor quite funny and also am known to curse. If that offends you then just move along. The images I post on my channel are all found on the internet and are not my personal work. You are always welcome to message me although I've found the Minds messaging system to be a bit wonky at the present time.
"Things fall apart, the center cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." ~~~ Yeats ~~~~~~~ “You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge.” ~~~ George Carlin ~~~~~~~ We must believe in a better world. ~~~~~~~ In raising my children, I've lost my mind but found my soul. ~~~~~~~ Hope for the best, plan for the worst. ~~ my Granny ~~~~~~~ Three Simple Rules to practically guarantee that you will never be stuck "In the System". ~ ONE ~~ Graduate high school. TWO ~~ Have no children prior to marriage. THREE ~~ Marry no earlier than the age of 21. That's it. You CHOOSE the life you lead. Choose wisely. ~~~~~~~ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. ~~~ Hanlon's Razor ~~~~~~~ “No man escapes When freedom fails, The best men rot in filthy jails; And they who cried: “Appease, Appease!” Are hanged by men they tried to please.” ~~~ Hiram Mann ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please comment, remind, up-vote & subscribe to The Strike! 💡💡💡 ~/~/~/~ Like what we do? Kindly Tip a Token! ~~~ Pleased to make y'alls acquaintance! 😊
“Here, sir, the People govern.” -- Alexander Hamilton The United States Constitution is the world's first governing charter to elevate the rights of men above the power of government, and it is the oldest Constitution still in effect today. A radical experiment in the beginning, instituting a government of laws rather than men, it still stands alone, declaring personal liberty the only true foundation for a just society. Personal liberty demands we challenge the presumptions of authority. We must question, seek evidences, and reason for ourselves. If we are to be a free people, we must reject the easy narrative. Doubt, skepticism, the contrarian inquiry--these must be our constant companions and our cardinal virtues. A Voice Of Liberty is dedicated to promoting the values of liberty and freedom enshrined in the Constitution. Truth Matters Facts Matter People Matter Your support most assuredly matters!
***Keep your comments respectful!*** Photographer and artist of many different genres and styles. Including but not limited to glam, cosplay, horror, goth, fantasy, and more. Just a independent artist trying to make his dreams come true. ***Wires are greatly appreciated ***If you're interested in any of my art prints please direct message me for details. ***If you'd like to support my work further you can check out my other social media Instagram- AC_photo13 Facebook page- ***You can also find some products that I have for sale on my Redbubble account
Sep 2019
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