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Truth Hides in Darkness, Until the Coming of The Light; Look and See, a New Dawn is Rising; The Sun Heralds the Return of Pride in Truth and Life and Light. Be this House like a Beacon in The Darkness, and a Place of Refuge for Seekers of Truth and Life through The Word. Telos: To help Build and Maintain a Community dedicated to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Enlightenment and Empowerment. 🔻 Scroll Down for Links to stuff (updates periodically) 🔻 Psst. Hey, you, wanna buy some merch? 💲BRB Media Store: https://brb-media.creator-spring.com 📙Substack: https://theblackrockbeacon.substack.com/ (articles; developing content / looking for writers!) 🔴Odysee: https://odysee.com/@The.Blackrock.Beacon:8 (On-Ground Coverage Stuff; Developing/Hiring) 🟢RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/c-967707 (Under Construction; Developing/Hiring) ⭕BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gFASMEf5VaRT/ (Under Construction; yada yada) Don’t have a Minds or Odysee account yet? 💡MINDS Referral: https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=theblackrockbeacon 🔴Odysee Referral: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@The.Blackrock.Beacon:8:https://odysee.com/@The.Blackrock.Beacon:8
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Freethinker, speedreader, weightlifter, permaculture curious. DM me if you find a spelling or grammar mistake. boycott every woke company. My gab accout: https://gab.com/LeszekKolakowski
Satira d'Assalto/Assault Satire Quando indico la luna lo stolto guarda il dito medio/When I point to the moon, the fool looks at the middle finger. ITALY Canale Telegram https://t.me/tankdifferent
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I'm an IT Professional and cryptocurrency enthusiast. This channel does not offer any financial advice and is ONLY for educational purposes. I'm not a financial advisor.
Il dubbio è alla base della conoscenza CARTESIO
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Mar 2021
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