
South African Freelance web developer trying to make a difference. Contact me if you want to build an amazing website at a fair price.
The artist formerly known as Lionel Valentine. Cumpoaster. Wananabe Writer. Southern Chauvinist. Lover of rugged Twinks worldwide.
Metа Builder | CBDO👾 | Traveller 🌍 | Trader 📈📉
40 year old white male who's just old enough to remember when the world was full of promise for an amazing tomorrow instead of the flaming pile of shit it became. My heroes growing up were those for whom no subject was taboo: Georgle Carlin, Robert Anton Wilson, Thomas Sowell, philosophers like Socrates for whom even the threat of death would not shut him up and various Heavy Metal bands who didn't give two fucks what anyone else thought (for further clarification look up Overkill "Fuck You"). In modern times Warren Ellis through the mouth piece of his fictional character Spider Jerusalem in Transmetropolitan would be my spirit animal. I'm anti- feminist, anti-sjw, anti-socialism, anti-censorship, and anti-stupid. I enjoy philosophy, History and well argued and reported news coverage. Unlike too many people I like to think for myself and use evidence from the past and present to inform my opinions. The truth will set you free! And fuck you if you find that problematic. Also just because I have a foul mouth doesn't mean I can't argue circles around you.
Complements of the season to you all. I am a small time Bitcoin Miner/Trader and I would like to ask if any one is interested in BUYING Bitcoin from me. This is totally legitamit and there are no scams  In volved over here on my part. Please message me on @Minds so we can discuss any related business further.  Thank you.
Mar 2021
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