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"Everything we hear is an opinion, not fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -Marcu Aurelius
Thinking of something to put here.
GadgetGram is an online technology news source, consisting of product reviews, technology news and the latest tech trends. It offers visitors a variety of interactive and educational resources as well as many exciting and enticing purchase opportunities. With a large and expanding viewership, comprised of visitors from diverse demographics and multiple geographic regions, GadgetGram.com is a premium venue for product sales, advertising placements, and branding opportunities.
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Dystopic L., alter ego of Lázaro Pereira, dj and producer, nurtures influences of electronic music, films of science fiction and philosophical movements. Dystopic L. find in the spectrum of Techno and Minimalism the possibility of exploring and expressing in abstract, atonal and satirical language, which aims transport the public into a futuristic world created from obscurity, chaos and dissonance, and thinking for the control of machines consequent to the inertia of the Human, as in all dystopias.
hello Following the financial crisis that threatens contemporary economies, the unemployment rate continues to increase in our nations, following the purchasing power of households continues to decline, a private investor group in partnership with several banks in the worlds finally decides to finance in medium and long terms all people of good morals who despite their monthly income have a hard time satisfying their needs to finance a project. The conditions of offer of financing are very simple. If you are in need of money for your construction projects, real estate, hotel, business creation or business, I am willing to grant you financing in the amount ranging from $ 100,000 to $ 500 million and with a minimum deductible. Waiting for your request email: [email protected]
Jagadeesh... Civil Engineer, Chess Coach, Crypto/Stocks Lover, Block chain Tech supporter , loves Traveling, history, tv shows, movies & Strongly believe that Aliens do exist. Haha...
life is simple so lets enjoy in a moderate way
I love horses and cats, I love playing ukulele. I am German/Australian. Have completed Bachelor of Arts, major-sociology, history and politics. Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and Postgraduate in Theology.. I am a Christian.
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Oct 2021
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