
Think smart,it's the best smart minds
I came to MINDS, after I was kicked off of facebook, for posting a meme that showed no nudity, and threatened no one. It was an opinion. I was kicked off for an opinion. I posted a meme that stated that there are two genders and the other 30 genders (imaginary genders cooked up by snowflake millennial liberals) are mental disorders. I have no problem with gay marriage. I could care less if someone wants to transgender themselves (as long as taxpayers aren't paying for it). Like Berkley, Facebook will not tolerate Free Speech. I have over two thousand friends on Facebook, Conservatives, Libertarians, Keks, standing Militia, and free thinkers. When my facebook jail time ends, I'm going to do my best to bring them with me here. https://www.facebook.com/rockraven My facebook account. If you want to see what I was up to before finding MINDS.
Life is a free gift from the creator, make most use if it.
Love 💕 of Nature is the love of God. Love all in all.
About my page: There will be stuff you don't like. I'm going to post it anyway. Memes, News, Updates and funny stuffs updated on a daily. I own no content posted, just sharing the fun and updates so I don't have to laugh and know what's going on alone XD🙂 24/8/2023🥺💔 You can kill the messenger but you can't kill the message.
Raconteur, bon vivant, boulevardier, Libertarian conservative, NYT bestselling author and star of the new Netflix documentary "Get Me Roger Stone." VISIT: https://stonecoldtruth.com
I'm a cute and shy innocent guy who loves playing soccer and watching Manchester United play
Memes, and all cool stuffs 🤍
Stay up to date and sometimes ahead with whats important (mostly) in the world today, and oh ya, memes, lots of memes . #crypto #news #politics #tech #memes #minds #canada https://noise.cash/u/GiftOfGab
* Meme Connoisseur & Bitcoin Cyber Hornet * Facetiously woke and sincerely ironic * Tend towards irreverent satire, parody and the appreciation of underappreciated puns * Focus on general politics, current affairs and commentary * Monetary Justice Warrior * Mainly, Newshound timeously delivers the dankest of dank memes 🥃 ------------------------------ WALL OF FAME: * @KenClark * @suicidal_thinker * @martin_maniac * @Inquisitor_Firebrand * @ultraface_part_deux * @SkylerBearGunn * @heavymetalsettles * @terrygrieve * @Free_Range_Human * @mrniceguy89 * @spaceman23 * @professedknight * @CKurti * @bodinii * @deckenkatze * @nerddestroyer * @sustainablefashion * @journeyman23 Get on the WALL OF FAME by joining the SILVER (Spicy Memes Tier) membership here: https://www.minds.com/newshoundza/shop Subscribe today to get the free weekly Bitcoin Breakdown newsletter here: https://www.btcbreakdown/subscribe
Aug 2021
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