I do not support half measures. I am not nor ever have been alt-right.
No alt-lite, kekistanis, or cuckservatives. Also, if you're going to cuck to a foreign, invasive religion, don't do it here.
[Wallpapers group]
Co-Founder of WhitePill.ushttp://whitepill.ushttps://gab.ai/WhitePillUS
Perpetual Noticer ➕ /fit/
#NatSoc & #ProWhite - #RaceFirstWhitePill.US is determined to finance the legal defense of White families victimized by Anti-Whites. We're hoping to become the "White ADL," and we need YOUR help to cover those legal defenses and in-court expenses : Want to help? Donations accepted via #BTC#bitcoin:
This channel is dedicated to the truth of National Socialism, also to the preservation of the white race and its culture. I am of pure Aryan descent, I love the Fatherland and its people's. I will die before I allow my heritage to be destroyed by the communist agenda of globalization. My goal is to fight for what's left of American National Socialism. We as brothers in NS will prevail in the end never despair, (((THEY))) will never prevail over that which is good, of pure heart, nor the truth of what they've done in the last hundred plus years. STAY STRONG BROTHERS AND SISTERS. 1488 GOTT MIT UNS