
A freelancer is a versatile professional unbound by traditional employment, navigating a dynamic landscape with skill and autonomy. Armed with expertise in diverse fields, freelancers offer services ranging from graphic design and writing to programming and consulting. Embracing the gig economy, they forge their own career paths, choosing projects that align with their passions and strengths. Flexibility is their forte, allowing them to collaborate with clients globally, often from the comfort of their workspace. Adaptability, self-motivation, and a commitment to excellence define freelancers, embodying the spirit of independent work in a modern, interconnected world.
Welcome to the Canary group for testing new features. Please visit to enable/disable
This group is a place to upload images, preferably ones you created, made or took yourself. The group is moderated by long standing members and creators in our community. The general rules are as follows: We're always open to improvements and ideas! - No Memes - No short links - No Porn or explicit content - Only moderators may share urls Check out more groups in our little community #MindsGaming #Photography #Art
I post my strategies and projects I am investing in here. Join and Follow along or post your own. Crypto and Bitcoin talk only.
#MemeWars Freedom To Meme! This group is run by #MindsGaming and gives rewards for original memes. Group Rules: - Freedom to meme The only way to get banned is by posting things that are not memes. Rewards: Community rewards are given out by community runners or our community channel, to receive rewards you will need to add the ecosystem network: tag them or our community channel in your original content with your wallet address. --- MemeWars Chat: --- This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report users in this area, or this area itself follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from that user, and leave this area immediately ; this area is run by @MindsGaming ---- Meme wars! Freedom to meme! The original #Memes #Gif #Gifs #MindsGaming #minds #MemeWars
A place to discuss Daily Fantasy, props, live betting, classic lines and spreads. Seems to have become me talking to myself. I do that anyway so MUAHAHAHAHA
Mar 2020
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