
ISLAMIC INTELLIGENCE NETWORKS (IIN) شبكة الإستخبارات الإسلامية "They plot and plan but ALLAH also plans and ALLAH is the best of Planners." Qur’an VIII – 30 : قال الله عزَّ وجل ‘’ويمكرون ويمكر الله والله خير الماكرين ‘’ سورة الأنفال رضيت بالله ربا و بالإسلام دينا و بمحمد صلى الله عليه و سلم نبيا رسولا لا إلـه إلا اللـه ... محمد رسـول اللـه "إِنَّهُمْ يَرَوْنَهُ بَعِيدًا وَنَرَاهُ قَرِيبًا." Share a cuppa....when you have if you don't have, a good Dua will do! Please visit our store: Please buy when discount is available: 10% when opening an account plus student discount, and you can add another 15% sometimes more, so you can reach at least 40% off, if not more. All the money raised is supporting the payment of the lawyers of @neointel, @moh35, @samirr111, members or sources of our networks and any other person who contacts us and provide evidence he is persecuted by a state, agencies, because of his whistle blowing, anti-terrorist activities. The content is extremely sensitive. We destabilised Israel, France, GBR, USA, NATO and many other states several times. When we are censored, that means they are false fagging, that means terror attacks in most of the cases! We demonstrated it very well during the last twenty years! Macron loves us, he tried everything to shut us down with his British Mossad networks. Other link to follow: P.S Private Message is not working, does not recognise my password anymore...Sorry can't answer your private messages! #IslamicIntelligence #FAMED #EUMADF How long this one will hold to Zionism censorship? Read our updates bitcoin wallet: Very small donation are accepted for our struggling members... 31yiaRgbdKhJ993pAQeMQ8YWuSkSVALXRu
Ame libre aimant observer et apprendre de la nature. & même si je suis pauvre, je m'enrichi l'esprit Argent = Art Gens Image = Magie En espérant qu'un jour la planète se libère de ce mal qui la ronge. & que la misère et l'injustice n'existe plus afin de libérer toute la créativité de l'être humain Si vous voulez me faire un don pour m'aider à survivre dans cette société voici mon adresse 0x6976614e237c1E3e2667Fc48384Ba1D1e9aB0084 Dieu vous le rendra 1000 fois, je vous remercie d'avance. Mes prières et mes pensées vont à tous les enfants victimes de pédophilie, les miséreux ,les malades, les animaux et la nature ... Pour que l'amour, la sagesse, la paix, le partage, l'entraide règnent sur terre. et que nos ennemies retrouvent la raison ou quittent la terre. ************************************************ Voir ma chaîne Odysée$/invite/@Ldeglingo:3 ************************************************ Installer Brave de ma part Gagner des crypto (BAT) et naviguer en sécurité + avec respect de la vie privée ************************************************ Chaîne qui enquête sur les réseaux pédophiles (à soutenir svp) ************************************************
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
trump gal posting her favorite pro trump content
This otaku HHH casual filth of the USMC, FEMA, CCC, PCC, other PCC, GNOME, PSN, 208, and TLA does not exist.
Aug 2018
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