gamer, anime, manga, movie, music, books, fanatic of geek and nerd things. meme lover, a firm believer in Jesus, but never a perfect person, #IStandWithVic
The “mystery” of this world is that it is currently controlled by Satan. I want no part of any New Age, Jesuit, Zionist Freemasonry mystery “religions”.
If you haven’t accepted Christ as your personal savior, do yourself and your family a favor now (look up and say the Sinner’s Prayer). Receiving Jesus is truly the only thing that matters in this fallen world. Until the second-coming, servants and saints persevere and hold your truth. You are not imagining the evil that is hidden in plain sight. God favored you enough to take the scales from your eyes, unlike those disillusioned ❤️🙏
And Aliens are really demons!
Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.
Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.