Worshiper of Momus, Juvenalis and Kek. Lighthearted reactionary, forgiving moralist. The world needs a good mixture of heroes and villains. Paradise bores me. A Swede. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.@Nicodemos on Gab
Online radio and video producer, public speaker and event organizer.
Born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden but have lived in a few countries since then. Right now I reside with my wife and children in Germany, but spends one or two weeks per month in Sweden.
Chairman of Det fria Sverige, Sweden's largest nationalist organization as well as chairman of the pan-European foundation Europa Terra Nostra.
WEBSITES (English)
WEBSITES (Swedish)
Ancient Origins seeks to uncover, what we believe, is one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings – our beginnings.