
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
Father, husband, electrician, programmer, golfer, fisherman, student of science and history, candidate for office, officer of the Libertarian Party, retired and fed up.
Beni Restea's experience in marketing and web development took him a long way, as he acquired the necessary skills to be a professional in digital marketing for the real estate industry. Through his work, he managed to develop exclusive content for RealEstateAgent.com, which is informative, trendy and real estate related. Through his experience as a search engine optimization specialist, he manages to significantly increase traffic to the website by sharing quality content with the world throughout the internet.
Revolutionary Patriot, anti-Zionist, Jew Exposer & Namer. If you look through my posts, you’ll see what I mean. I’m a US Army retiree with several deployments under my belt including Iraq. I’m also a USPS Retiree. I’ve earned two Bachelor Degrees in Business and History-History is my passion, but more precisely, REVISIONIST history. This school takes another, more TRUTHFUL look at WWII, Hitler, and the holo-hoax. I’m a 9/11 & Covid Truth activist, free-breather and anti-vaxer, I’m also anti-New/Jew World Order....Pro Liberty and PRO FREEDOM…I’m also a published-author...we need another 1776 REVOLUTION! NOW! I also HIGHLY recommend these VERY IMPORTANT FILMS: 1) Anatomy of a Great Deception: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/anatomy-great-deception/ 2) 2) Adolph Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A life-changing experience! https://archive.org/details/TheGreatestStoryNeverToldAdolfHitlerTheFullDocumentary 3) Europa The Last Battle! https://archive.org/details/documentary-europa-the-last-battle/Part+1.mp4 4) The Holocaust is a HollowHoax! Orchestras and plays at Auschwitz? See for yourself: https://truthpodium.org/v/tsfn4s. 5) The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4OVRiyJqFrpn/ 6)“Communism By The Back Door:” https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHVljnZ61Vtc/ 7)“9/11/01, The Day Patriotism Was HiJacked” can be found here: http://fultonbooks.com/books/?book=9_11_2001-the-day-patriotism-was-hijacked 8) Also see this site for little-known Covid information: https://www.plandemicseries.com and here: 9) www.stopworldcontrol.com for timely, IMPORTANT info! Thanks! REVOLUTION! NOW! 10) https://youtu.be/tYb7byozCeg 11) "Hellstorm." Allied atrocities against innocent Germans, post WWII...https://www.bitchute.com/video/7dwUz6GgnMCL/ 12) “Caesars Messiah” https://youtu.be/zmEScIUcvz0?si=M_xEf8maiA5kGmRl 13)Religion Can You Handle The Truth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4VRnXPDuXs&t=294s&pp=ygUhcmVsaWdpb24gY2FuIHlvdSBoYW5kbGUgdGhlIHRydXRo. 14) My Website: www.defendtheconstitution.org
I Won't Be Silenced! #Veteran #MAGA #PROGUN #PROBACON #ProAmerica #IFBAP... If You're Easily Offended, Let Me Know So I Can Poke Fun At You! Visit My Store At https://the-ghost-18.creator-spring.com get something awesome for you and a friend! #ifbap #maga #ultramaga #usa #kag #fjb #lgb #lgbfjb #fjblgb Subscribe To My #YouTube Channel At: https://youtube.com/@tylercasper THE FOUR TRUTHS I KNOW! 1. THERE ARE ONLY 2 GENDERS. 2. WIVES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, EVEN WHEN THEY AREN'T. 3. #FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. 4. THE SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTS THE OTHERS AND WILL 🚫 NOT 🚫 BE INFRINGED. OH, And Biden (Brandon), Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and "Cameltoe" Kamala are the disease infecting America. And liberals are idiots. #secondAmendment #prolife #progun #freedomofspeach
I am a Latin American, who believes in revolution. And in the construction of the new man. As the symbolic figure. from El Che. Posing the revolutionary struggle in all fields the places that should be raised.
3-D artist and #blockchain enthusiast. (I'm also a Christian, American, Pro-life, Pro-natural marriage #2ndAmendment #Constitutionalist conservative.) #MAGA
Jan 2021
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