Hello and welcome to my channel, I am an aggregator of a variety of different interesting content, from music, to news, politics, freedom loving people that are conservative minded and beyond! Please share and subscribe and like my playlists! Thank you!
I'm Thai, interested in nature and philosophy, cat is my pet,...joined since may 2020 . ชายไทย คนบ้านนอกมารับราชการอยู่ในเมืองบางกอก ชอบธรรมชาติและปรัชญา มีแมวแล้ว 1ตัว , In my content there are #philosophy#quotes, #news, #pets, #travel, #myphotos,#art,#mindsTH //:Thank you for visiting,🙏❤️"absolute love minds"
Brasileiro, acredito que imposto é roubo e que o Estado é uma gangue de mafiosos. Sou a favor de liberdades individuais e adepto do principio de não iniciar agressão.