
THIS IS MY ARCHIVES VIDEOS & ARTICLES That are relevant still today, historical, interesting, &/or information I think people want to know. If you like my posts and the topics I cover, You will enjoy scrolling/searching through ALL my posts. I have lots of great, similar, & unique articles even at the very bottom of my feed. See for yourself. --MY MAIN ACCOUNT HERE: TOPICS: #DomPolitics: News, Economy, Gov't, Laws, Corruption, World News, Gov't Ops, Conspiracies, Crime, Nwo, Docs, ect. #DomScience: Science, Tech, Health, Biology, DNA, Chemistry, Space, Chemtrails, Weapons, Aliens, UFOs, Crypto, Gov't Tech, Spynetwork, ect. #DomOccult: Religion, GOD, Theology, Witchcraft, Sacred Geometry, Psychology, Secret Societies, Occult Knowledge, Esoteric, Aether, Gnostic, ect. #DomMusic: Hip Hop, Rock, R&B, Oldies, 80s, & more. #DomBListArticles: Posts not on my profile feed. XTRAS. LINK HERE: Anything worth posting I post. Also, I give my opinions, summary, &/or highlights of my post. Any words inside Parentheses ( ) are my opinion in 99% of instances. BUNDLED POSTS #0: BUNDLED POSTS #1 BUNDLED POSTS #2 BUNDLED POSTS #3 BUNDLED POSTS #4 BUNDLED POSTS #5 BUNDLED POSTS #6: •••For Those Interested Here Is A Link For All My Music With All Categories.
Abstract: Zero = Superposition = Quantum = Empty Space A zero solution equation must consist of something/s and anti something/s The balance of something and anti something is the mean (nothingness) Space is not empty, It is only empty on average. Particles are pulled from empty space (nothingness) with opposite energy types. Quantum mechanics states that, on a very minuscule scale, for diminutive stretches of time, something and anti something spontaneously appears and disappears. Synchronized fields fluctuate in phase between existence and anti-existence to be a "soup" of nothingness. Inevitably, field's will "slip a beat" by error to bring un-Synchronized fields (imbalances) into existence. Imbalances/energy don't want to exist - they always seek to flow to the mean (zero). Isolated imbalances/energy exists because they have nowhere to flow to (yet). Could accumulated, out of phase imbalances explain the origin energy of the Big Bang or universe/multiverse ? Something is just an imbalance. An imbalance is entangled by its opposite. If this imbalance was to meet with its entangled opposite, both will return to the mean of zero (nothingness). Is a black hole an accumulation of our entangled opposite?
X-Man = ex-military, ironworker, husband, homeless, welder, addict, convict, rodbuster, traveler, programmer, college student. All materials contained herein are protected by the American Fair Use Act. My page is an "Art Imitates Life" theme. Enjoy!
Tulsi 2020! Free Speech!
Utlizing consciousness based health to re-enliven the physiolog. Experiencing balanced health utilizimg acient Vedic wisdom intepreted for western minds. I am a practicing licensed pharmacist in one state. I have a Master’s Degree sin Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine from Maharishi School of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. Anything I post here is not to cure disease or prevent your prescribed course of treatment or health care modality with your current physician. I am here to learn, from fellow posters, practice Maharishi Ayurveda if anyone is interested and to share educational information. My goal is to find viable approaches to connect Western mentality surrounding health and wellness to Eastern Modalities which will empower all of us to live a better quality of life. ——————————————————————————————————- **THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR GIVING TOKENS AND SUPPORTING MY EFFORTS** {currently working on this list* message me if I’ve missed you as this is not my intent.. I should have done this from the beginning} —————————————————————————————————- #health, #lifestyle, #science, #holistic, #wellness, #education, #TM, #knowledge, #Vedic, #Ayurveda, #meditation
Somewhere in between libertarian and nationalist. I do my best to promote free speech. Amateur artist No one ever views what I make, but I'm happy to make them. Founder of All-purpose Group! Please support Spock talk. My art Check out other channels like @TheSoulOfTheWest @StalemateIB @ChristopherRobbins1985 @MrRationalOutlaw @Skullcollector479 @legofreak446 @TOTALECLIPSE @john @FRETZCAPO @BRADYALEX @MindCom @AmericanEric @jaccinthebox @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche @delastman @DeusExMachinaPrime @sharonmonaco @ottman @SonofSpock Special thanks to anyone who's reminded my activities. God bless all of you
Bringing you news you won’t see anywhere else. All videos belong to their respective owners. 📧 [email protected].
Sep 2019
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