
We have the best female Trump supporters don't we folks. Let's stay on topic in here. All others will be removed. Moderated by @bayouMedic
the poetry core of Lightly moderated. Post your poems, others', flash fictions, resources and essays about poetry. Keep it to one post a day. #themindspoetrygroup the minds dream group: the minds Formula 1 group:
Здесь можно постить все, что угодно, если это мем. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
Taking over Minds with cuties with guns NOTE: If you post things unrelated to the group that have nothing to do with hot women with firearms it will be deleted and you banned from the group.
Mainly for all discussion regarding Donald Trump, but let's also highlight the many amazing things his family members are doing as well. Let's share laughs, let's share our thoughts on certain issues, and let's learn from each other and one of the best Leaders this world has ever seen in President Donald Trump :)
ANYONE WHO WANTS TO POST MUST ENTER CONTAIN A TITLE AND TAGS AS IT IS WRITTEN BELOW . #Officialnature #Minds #nature #art #flower #surreal #gif #3D —————————————————————— i don't own any content, to the unknown authors. The content that it is not my own. Thank you unknown Authors ! If possible, please credit original artists if you share a material that you have not created yourself. ————————————————————— if you would like to donate to to increase the group and promote it. everyone who donates will be prominent in the group ---------------------------------------------------------------- Admin : @zizisk
#News #Airlines #Shopping #Insurance #Politics #Careers #Cinema #Food#KPOP #Movies #Music #Jobs #KPOP #Science #GovtSites #Comedy #DeptMV #LegalAid #Travel #Satire #Electronics #Economics #Health #Immigration #TRUMP KPOP News Flash Airlines Shopping & Insurance Airlines Shopping Insurance Music Lives Live Entertainment Music Lives 20's & 21'sCentrury Music Lives 90's Music Lives 80's Music Lives 70's Music Lives 60's & 50's KPOP English KPOP BuZZ KPOP Drama Asian Cinema Strong Girl Do Bong Soon The Journey Of Flower Food & Travel Food & Drink Awakening Home Repair Tools Live News F
A group for everyone in the political spectrum. Freedom of speech is allowed as it is in the US. Conservative Minds is now Political Minds, although it does not mean that all of the posts here are endorsed by me. Contact me the admin @BobbyE through an email if there's someone breaking the rules. We need more admins. Spammers will be kicked out. Group members who continually cause hassle for the admin will be kicked out. Slanderers will also be kicked out and permanently banned. Please maintain a level of civil discourse.
The #Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported #alternative news source. It operates on the principle of #opensource #intelligence and provides #podcasts, #interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more
Who we are: We are YOU! We are every American who believes in the greatness of this country and American Exceptionalism. We know that America is the last bastion of personal freedom, endowed to us by our founding fathers and we want to be free and not oppressed by government. Free to pursue our personal happiness, our own business and lives. We ARE the people! Politicians better represent us, or get voted out of office. We cannot and should not have anybody in office whose real intent and objective is not to represent us & our greatest nation on earth's Constitution. Enough already! The Tea Party represents America, all of us, except the enemies of our nation like the left, islam, communists and socialists. We stand for freedom and equality for EVERY American citizen! We are color blind, we are every color of the rainbow, black, white, brown, yellow and every color in between. We believe that as American citizens, we are equal in every way, that we have the same rights and opportunities should be awarded equally to all. We want our politicians to uphold the Constitution, represent us and our freedom equally! We don't want to be divided into separate classes, so politicians can manipulate us easier and take away our unity. While we might have different interests and affiliations, we are NOT classes or groups of Americans, we ARE all Americans! Not Black-Americans, Irish-Americans, White-Americans,Latino-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Rich-Americans, Poor-Americans, Whatever-Americans, 99% or 1%, we all are 100% first and foremost Americans, no predicate defines us, our unity and values as American individuals define us, not some artificial grouping for easier manipulation and division to lose strength to resist oppressive government. We ARE America and we ARE: We The People! Our goal is to unify all real red-blooded American and the Tea Party as a whole, so we can stand together for our nation and Constitution.
Jul 2019
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