
My page is not for the faint of heart, but then again, neither is the truth. I'm just a dude trying to figure everything out who likes sharing with other like-minded individuals. I don't belong to any party or group since I've realized... It's all 1 organization. But the democrats are trying to be the bane of freedom. Once you realize what your dissonance feels like, you have a powerful tool. Don't shy away from it, dive in. ;) Goodluck. P.S. Feel free to meme anything that I say, IDGAF, I don't make memes, it's all stolen. Maybe eventually I'll get along well enough with Linux... just do it! ;)
Eternally curious
Voluntaryist/Anarchist/Agorist/Rabble Rouser/Trouble Maker/Dirty Old Man/Non Aggressionist. Peaceful, fun loving, fuck the state and the police!
its fun to see humans ignore me just by looking at my Avatar name, but the truth is i want to avoid such narrow minded psychos. Baboons pick each others ticks to keep a good rapo with each other, while humans kiss each others asses, thats how we got over and over again and again same type of shit useless social network websites. Fighting with the evil of Minds.com is a futile waste of time.So i had moved on to Diaspora social, so "come find me when you wake up" ;-) But new features of Minds seem good so i am BACK. *---------*---------*-----------*--------* i dont gamble so i dont use the FUCKING TOKENS Here , so go ahead vote me down as you wish, Minds is a Gambling website so sooth yourself ; i am not a gambler, i am just a thinker with pure original thoughts.
I'm here just for fun
Minds of a kind flock together
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies. WELCOME TO THE END OF DAYS.
I'm an amateur Christian apologist so if you have questions I might have an answer. But mostly I just re mind memes and stuff. You will NOT find pornography, nudity or gore (excluding occasional historical photos that feature dead bodies, but nothing disrespectful). But if you're looking for a "clean" page this ain't it chief. I am not that person. I appreciate vulgar, edgy, offensive humor. I swear and I will aggressively debate my positions. I'm still working on switching from "treat people how they treat you" to "treat people how you want to be treated" so don't be surprised if I match somebody's rudeness with my own rudeness. I'm working on it. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to hear from you soon. You, particularly! πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸΈπŸŒˆπŸ¦πŸ¦„πŸ€‘πŸŒŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ₯›βœοΈ -Please don't wire me tokens. I appreciate the gesture but the whole situation makes me feel turbo awkward. And I'm not good at peopleing in the first place. If you choose to wire me tokens anyway I'm just going to say thank you here and now: thank you. -seriously though, if you have ANY questions about Christianity please ask them! it gives me a chance to practice my skills and I love helping people understand the Bible! -if you're only looking for squeaky clean Christian channels go check out @nanalovesjesus they're great -some of my favorite minds channels @jonw116 @cyb3rpunk -minds artists I really appreciate @aragmar @night_shade @kestrel_black @rizzyfig -if you're looking for "edgy" content @oldmanrants @mindofjack @auroradeasiza @sinner1905 @lillspence and @despicablememes are amazing
Honor, Duty, Family, Faith, County and Tradition. These are the Principles I've Lived by. These Lessons My Father Taught Me As I Taught My Son. Never Compromise Your Values For Anyone Or Anything. Please, It's Not Necessary To Send Me Anything, I'm Here For The (((Patriots))) And Love Of My Country☝️ Carpe Diem βš”οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡±βš”οΈ Semper Fidelis ⭐ #QAnon #QArmy #MAGA #KAG2020 #TheGreatAwakening
Hello, I am Chuckzom, and I am here. If you would like to help support the channel you can also donate via Paypal at the link below, Thanks! https://streamlabs.com/chuckzom
Prager University is an online video resource promoting knowledge and clarity on life's biggest and most interesting topics. We gather some of the world's best thinkers and distill their best ideas into free, 5-minute videos on things ranging from history and economics to science and happiness. Enjoy. NOTE: I have no association with Prager University.
Oct 2019
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