
An intelligent look at conservative issues. Used to be they were rational or moderate... but I guess we're conservatives now.
Data scientist, AI builder, mind-hacker, and crypto futurist with D.Phil from Oxford.
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We are in this together for our God given Human Rights! 🇺🇸🙏 🌎 Buy Virtual Real Estate For Free!! Your friend has invited you to buy virtual real estate in ATLAS: EARTH! Get started for free using https://r.atlasearth.com/wUENjXiLPKb or use PL4DDB Or please donate if you can ETH 0x5E9A9756a8E903c3C7880292C9183e85307bF48f 2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Believe nothing until you do your own research so you can verify it for yourself. Sincerely pray for awareness and it will be given if you truly believe so. Thank you all who subscribe and keep the faith for better times to come in God’s Speed!
I am a proud American, a former Soviet Jew, a patriot, and an IT professional. “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill
I post random stuff that crosses my minds, ROLL CREDITS, comics that I make, original drawings, opportune thoughts, and anything that I feel like as a multifaceted, perfectly functional and evenly deranged human being. For even spicier drawings check the group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1271672912922808323/feed
(c) Jurjen Koopmans - Minds-account about investing, business, innovation, music, fun & politics (mail: jurjen (at) jukommerce (dot) nl)
Jack Gunter is an Investor, Inventor, and an Author. He also writes poetry, songs, and composes music. He has been an international broker, private investigator, a teacher, a delivery driver, a security guard, a psychologist, and has been and done many other things over the course of his life. He has started three businesses and plans to start many more. He is married to a wife whom he loves dearly and has fathered two children and sponsored or been the foster father of others. He homeschooled his children and both are on their way to doctorates in their various fields. Jack’s interests are many and varied. They include but are not limited to: Chivalry, Classical Romance, coding and crypts, God, history, languages, literature, masculinity, mathematics, medicine, music, natural science, philanthropy, philosophy, poetry, psychology, religion, high technology, and the Virtues. Jack is also an amateur scientist with primary interests in epigenetics, longevity and senescence, physics, and Space Exploration. His avocations and hobbies are; writing, hiking, the Roman Way (which he invented), physical training, reading, drawing, mapping, exploration, travel, role play gaming, and wargaming. Economically he is an unapologetic Free Market Capitalist. Politically he is a staunch and unafraid Conservative and freedom loving Classical Liberal (therefore certainly not a modern liberal in any sense at all) yet he in no way thinks politics will be the salvation of his nation or his world. Philosophically he is Enoikeon and Teleothallic (a personal philosophy he devised for himself that is a mix of Classical Stoicism, Logic, and a positivistic American Frontierism and masculinity), and a Stheneticist. Religiously he is a devout and pious Christian and ProkoTheurgos, so he is far more an Ancient and Medieval Christian, and thus definitely not a modern Christian. Socially Jack is very friendly and outgoing, prone to making friends easily, and enjoys interesting conversation with others about their mutual ideas and enterprises. (If you enjoy my content and desire to be my friend or exchange ideas then feel free to subscribe. I will subscribe to you in turn.) Jack is a very Happy and appreciative man, yet he is also very restless, ambitious, and driven. He hopes to explore Mars one day. Finally Jack has three Viking cats (that he loves) but dreams of the day he can have a bear, a wolf, a mountain lion, and a falcon to take the place of the loss of his much beloved Great Dane Sam. Sam was a helluvah beast and the best Animal Companion I ever had. Godspeed to your soul Sam. Whenever I go hiking I miss you.
Fictional character from @Aragmar's awesome series of books Starshatter. Lover of pie. Explorer of food from all lands. Varied interests including languages and their connections to each other.
Bride of Jesus 👰‍♀️ Christian Brother ✝️ Evangelist 🚶🏽 Prayer Warrior 🥷 Entrepreneur 👨🏽‍💼🤝 Trans-Vaxxed #JesusLovesMe Join My Church: https://t.me/rccgpal
Southern Pride. I always follow back
Jun 2021
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