
I raise Free Range Tomatoes.
Welcome to Meme Supreme!! We're here to blow Sunshine up Your Ass 'til you Puke Rainbows! The rules are simple: Post Funny Memes. Minds TOS are in effect and enforced. Extraordinary Abuse of Power: No Infographics, Robo-Ho's, or Threats! Healthy debate is boolshit, but werdz iz werdz, so solve your problems with insults and mockery! If you don't like something, too bad! Ignore it and move on. If it got past the Algorithms and the Admins, it's Lawful Free Speech! If you're the lucky one or two people that get to see banned content BEFORE it gets Reported/Deleted/Banned/Raided, then do us all a favour and bring it to our attention, and you'll see we act swiftly to maintain our integrity and good standing. Have fun and play nice out there!!!! Or be a Dick, and enjoy having your Ego, Identity, and Self-Perception Grievously Molested. Absolutely zero blocking of Owners or admins. Owners: @AdamBaums @myincal Doorman: @jhafarI Admins: Invisible Ninjas #memes #funny #InvisibleFfckingNinjaz Group founded 10/18/2018
Admin: @FretzCapo Mod: @rodfather Mod: @Shakara πŸ“© PM me if you'd be interested in helping out moderating. 🎸🎹🎷πŸ₯πŸŽ»πŸŽΊπŸŽ΅πŸŽΌπŸŽΆπŸŽ§πŸŽ™ 70s music and musical artwork is welcome! Please tag posts with #music #70smusic Optional tags: #[genre] #[artist] #[year] Come on in, enjoy and share yourself. We welcome you with open arms. Off topic posts and spam will be deleted though, and repeat offenders will be blocked and removed from the group. So we don't clog up the feed, let's keep it to 6 posts in a row, please. #SeventiesMusic
Minds Official Gifs Group - All Welcome - πŸ˜€ GIF = GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE FORMAT. A group for sharing unique gifs; invite like minded users. Easily create gifs via links or just view creations and posts πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘ Video to Gif converter @ https://ezgif.com/video-to-gif Lunapic editor @ https://www298.lunapic.com/editor/ Resize animated gifs @ http://gifgifs.com/resizer/ Zoetropic app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.zoetropic.free&hl=en_GB&gl=US VIMAGE app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vimage.android&hl=en_GB&gl=US (APK downloads can be found if you do not wish to use google play store) PLEASE ensure your posts contain a TITLE and these TAGS below as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. #OfficialGifs #Minds #Gifs #Art (PLEASE post directly to the group otherwise exterior news feed page links will be deleted) Whenever possible please credit original artists if you share material that you have not created yourself. Easy access to editor apps and tools in the beginning of the conversations section. Please add any editor tools/apps you use. (This will give new members a starting point if they have no knowledge of gifs and wish to make their own). OFFICIAL GIFS ANIMATION DESIGNERS = @Darkinmyeyes @Rushofwaves @onesasha GROUP MODERATOR = @RedDragonLS HAVE FUN!!! JOIN MINDS OFFICIAL GIFS TODAY!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks and best wishes from Official Gifs πŸ™‚
Reclaim our culture. Reclaim our heritage. Reclaim our birthright. Reclaim the Holy Land? Deus Vult!
only the dankest memes make the cut, anti Semitic and racist memes are welcome here.
This is Nr. 1 meme group for bigoted humor on minds since 2021. Admins: @edzhus @greenpatriot @Tay_Tweets_ReBorn @admontblanc and few more secret ones. We also have telegram group https://t.me/bigotmemenetwork and telegram chat if you want to get in touch https://t.me/joinchat/Hc2VUwfkeAI4NTU0 Similar group of friendlies: π•Ύπ–π–Žπ–™π–‘π–”π–—π–‰π–˜ π•½π–Šπ–‡π–”π–—π–“ https://www.minds.com/group/1287913632377606154/feed #nsfw #meme #humor #bigot #racist #antisemitism #misogyny #sexism #homophobia #transphobia #islamophobia #nigger #kike #spic #chink #gook #hitlerdidnothingwrong #pajeet #shitskin #faggot #tranny #arbeitmachtfrei
Welcome those who love art + Arts, paintings, drawings, sculpture, artworks, photography arts ... are allowed + Better if there are full author names and other information, respect the author (if not original) + Up to 10 posts per day + Unlimited originals + No advertising + No gif files + Irrespective of skin color, nationality, gender, age, political perspective + Encourage exchanging and speaking views Welcome and Thank you for your interest Administrator: @HungPV
#MemeWars Freedom To Meme! This group is run by #MindsGaming and gives rewards for original memes. Group Rules: - Freedom to meme The only way to get banned is by posting things that are not memes. Rewards: Community rewards are given out by community runners or our community channel, to receive rewards you will need to add the ecosystem network: https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/blog/what-is-mtcg-1378152628772409352 tag them or our community channel in your original content with your wallet address. --- MemeWars Chat: https://chat.minds.com/#/room/#MemeWars:minds.com --- This Group would like to remain independent to the β€œsystem” if you report users in this area, or this area itself follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from that user, and leave this area immediately ; this area is run by @MindsGaming https://minds.com/p/terms ---- Meme wars! Freedom to meme! The original #Memes #Gif #Gifs #MindsGaming #minds #MemeWars
#420Time all day everyday Community Chat Room: https://chat.minds.com/#/room/#420Time:minds.com -- Community Website: https://mindsgaming.glitch.me -- This Group would like to remain independent to the β€œsystem” if you report my users in this area follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from that user immediately and leave this area, this area is run by @MindsGaming https://minds.com/p/terms --- #MindsGaming #420Time #Friday #weed
Welcome to National Socialists We are a group based on "Historical Revisionism". Our goal is to present and show the real NSDAP as it really truly was. The Hollywood version is a lie and everything we learned in school is a lie. Even our current media is a lie. So if you are browsing through this group, join us and you'll see that what we present here is very different from what you will see out there in other social networks. Why? We show you the real truth! Not propaganda and lies. There are only 3 simple rules here. 1) No Fedposting. 2) No infighting or better yet provoking it. 3) No insulting the Fuhrer and/or degrading him in any way. This includes insulting or degrading the Swastika or anything National Socialist related. I am your only admin here. Feel free to tag me if you have any questions. @nswoodchuckss There is also a group in Gab Chat but you need to use a Chrome-type browser to access it. https://chat.gab.com/chat/5f14e18b9bc96138abc117f0
To join this group one must be dedicated to saying kike every day accompanied by a picture of Dolf Lundgren. ALL POSTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PICTURE OF DOLF LUNDGREN OR WILL BE REMOVED!
Feb 2024
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