
The Vicious Mockery Podcast. "You'll D&D Your Pants."
I’m like making online shows. I made the Corridor Crew show for Corridor Digital I helped reshape Indy Mogul I helped start a behind the scenes show for BRCC I’m a minimalist, autistic, and love D&D. I’ve started and tun my own Dungeons and Dragons Show dedicated to creating a dramatic long form show based off improv & dice rolling. I have a podcast with a couple friends where we debate over fictional characters in film, tv, and books to find out what D&D class they actually are. I’m trying to make my own conversational based podcast to help me get better at conversations and learn more from people around me. I’m hoping this show is something that can help improve my life, improve my social skills, and ability to listen to people i disagree with.
human supremacist (unless the emergence of a space-adapted race of humans should be confirmed, in which case - sieg zeon!) I like memes without words. 07 Pizza is literally a perfect food capable of satisfying all diet requirements and meal types. ❤ 🍍+🍕 if you still have the lightbulb as your profile image, I am less likely to subscribe. I'm also wary of people who subscribe to me without ever having even 👎 a post of mine
I'm shy but nice... hello (´・ᴗ・` ) To be a place I post my doodles & homebrew (TTRPG+Fantasy mainly)(strictly sfw) **Comms are closed, Requests will be considered - @ me for me to see**
I was born a cynic for which I am both benefited by and taunted with from time to time. I am a Husband, Father, Traveler, and geeky D&D Dungeon Master. For my bread and butter, I traded my childhood love for computers to work on them. I’m a decent guy who is forgiving, gives everyone a chance (often multiple chances) and does not like to focus on more than one thing at a time. Above all, I am not a huge fan of formal education but am a strong believer in living Praxis (πρᾶξις)—our capacity to analyze and wrestle with ideas, then engage in active praxis is what makes us unique.
The FIRST authentic ArtWench, I’m a refugee from the censorship of Twatter. My more in depth rambling thoughts may be found on my blog at https://artwench.wordpress.com.
---Who are the Wumao?--- "Let him bear the yoke! Let man assume the drudgery of the god." Restore the Republic of China ---Democratic Imperialist---
Jun 2018
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