Hello everybody, this channel is of many things; drawing art, writing parodies, taking videos or photos of places I've visited.
I'm also a youtuber https://www.youtube.com/user/BiFriday
and I'm on bitchute
who likes to do exploration, i hope to gain interest from people subscribing to provide support and help me in furthering the expedition to explore all over the world.
I also have Zazzle created to sell my Red Pill Philosophy i created. Most of my drawings i've been creating would go on the products as with my philosophy.
The reason i named myself the "red pill samurai" is because i am striving to better my own life and live as well as help teach others too, which is why i created the red pill samurai philosophy.
I am heterosexual, catholic. I hate marketing, propaganda and meaningless chatter. I refuse gender theory, same sex marriage, freemasonry. I like science, the real one, not popular scientific theories. :-) SPEAKING ITALIAN, HUNGARIAN, ENGLISH
Auteur compositeur interprète
Sur cette page, je partage des photos que j'ai recueilli depuis plusieurs années sur des sites "Royalty free". Il est probable que certaines photos n'aient pas ce statut et je ne peut vérifier sur les sites d'origine car certains n'existent plus. Avisez-moi dans ce cas d'une image non permise...
Pour trouver la référence d'une photo, utilisez Google image et encouragez le propriétaire si possible! :)
My name is Michael. I am 24 years old and I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I don't really like it here, but I can only make the best of what has been given to me. I am in college studying to become an English teacher. I want to travel abroad, teaching English and experiencing as many cultures as I can. If you find something I post interesting, please subscribe and let's have a chat over a cigarette (optional) and coffee.