End the DEA and CSA

Co-Founder, host, and leader of the miscreant golliard known as the Mad LiberTEA Party. VC of [REDACTED] County, Libertarian Party. Kind of a weirdo. Mostly harmless. Not nearly as silly as you might think I am. Activism, education, awareness, individualism, voluntarism, and community are our paths to a better tomorrow. Help us build LiberTEA: https://cointr.ee/madliberteaparty Libertarianism and minarchism are the training wheels to anarchism. Only free can we truly live. "I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to." -Jimi Hendrix
We connect, organize and support the NH Cannabis Industry
A #cynical, #pessimistic #skeptic of everything and a #Voluntaryist blogger of the Tumblrs. Founded TimeToFree.US. More in the works. I support #Gamergate. Also @Jeremiah_Talks and @Jeremiah_Games on Twitter.
I love talking about cannabis and learning new things about cannabis. I'm a edible maker, and functional art collector.
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my name is Chris Rowe I am a cannabis cultivator and activist and market analyst..
Jan 2021
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