Anti Establishment. Memes, Politics, Art, and other cool stuff. Pro Westernism, Traditionalism, White Identitarianism, Theocracy, Constitutional Republic, Equality of Opportunity. So much love 💜 for history, Thank you all for visiting ! 🤗
A nerdy native that specializes in finding and capturing the hidden beauty in the Texas Panhandle and beyond.
Psalm 139:8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
All photos are mine unless stated otherwise. Go-to to see my work.
Asamadi Tsalagi
camus, dostoevsky, solszenitsyn, frost, housman, p.c. friars, n.y. yankees, indie rock, God.......let's put the federal reserve and the united nations in our rear view mirror!!
Hi, my name is bud2k20. I’m a full-time worker but I take a photo as a hobby. My photos were taken during working. And I’ll post about Thai natural, Thai food, Thai politics a lot. Thanks for having me to join the moments of your life.
I am a brother to humanity and all humans are my siblings. Muslim. German-Pakistani born and raised in Chicago since 1991. Conservative-Libertarian. Minarcho-Capitalist. Graduated Theodore Roosevelt H.S. '09. I do a lot of thinking. Magastani.