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Hope for Peace but Prepare for War For it is better to be a Warrior in times of Peace than a Gardener in times of War ------------------------------------------------------------ Avatar and Channel Banner made by @anaarkei ------------------------------------------------------------ Creator of the #MathsInMinutes blogseries that is posted Monday, Wednesday and Friday on this platform Donations to boost this blog series are appreciated and come with a shoutout for the donor ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently working on creating a recording of #Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov This project will be updated daily (it will be small readings though, between 5 and 10 minutes on average) ------------------------------------------------------------ You can also expect entries to my creative writing blog every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ------------------------------------------------------------ Do you like petite girls aka Lolis? I do. #FlatIsJustice because small girls deserve love, too and small breasts are a rare drop! ----------------------------------------------------------------- #Traps are also welcome here, this is turning into a den of #degeneracy ------------------------------------------------------------ Midna Inverse is my #Waifu And I will fight for her! Hack-Doll-3 is my own, personal #Trap and I will fight for him! ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Playing (barely playing): League of Legends (PC) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (WiiU) Splatoon ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Reading: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Think and Grow Rich 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson The Primarchs (Horus Heresy saga) Books about Buddhism & Zen ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Watching: ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently learning: Japanese 10 Finger Typing NLP CBT Lightworks ------------------------------------------------------------ My interests include but are not limited to: Music Literature Creative Writing Paintings/Drawings Voice acting Cinema Anime / Manga Vidya Lifelong learning Psychology NLP CBT Weight training Health Nutrition Weight Loss methods and BPM Life coaching Weight loss coaching Data Analytics Drones RC Planes FPV Recordings Shitposting 34604263883
Been in Tech for about ¼ of a century. Interested in behavioral sciences, evolution, and genetics. Part-time vlogger. Once upon a time was a mathematician, computer scientist, machine learning engineer, data scientist, and software engineer. Retro (scale) special effects (SFX) maker & photographer. More about me here: 🌞
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
Pamela Egan is a doctor in Covington, Louisiana. She specializes in hormone replacement therapy, anti-aging, skin care and nutrition.
Dans le gris de l'automne L'été va mourir Et dans l'aube monotone La nature s'endormir Au souffle du vent scélérat Les feuilles jaunies frémiront Résister en vain dans ce combat Car en danse macabre tomberont. L'arbre impuissant, pleure son ramage Dans une morne complainte silencieuse Dénudée, la forêt revêt l'hivernage Lente agonie d'une saison fallacieuse Erigées comme des glaives vainqueurs Les branches émaciées,spectraux perchoirs Donnent asile aux noir corbeaux prédateurs. Image sinistre illustrant les grimoires. Dans les frimas de l'hiver et de la neige Les coeurs nus sombrent dans la torpeur Manteau de silence et bouton perce-neige Prémices du printemps et de sa douceur. ?Marie.C
married: @TruthTerrorist mother  philosopher  psychologist HEALER "...they would overcome the world"
Just a guy with too much free time. I like talking about anime and sharing my screenshots xD *added some random links ¬_¬, mostly in spanish, rip other people haha*
Strong advocate of rationality. logic and general brain-usage. For the lack of a better expression; 'a firm believer in free speech'. Framed this way because I think it is not a value nor does it require belief, but rather it is a mechanism with which to build and maintain a foundation for civilization. A torch-carrier for the flame of Prometheus, a gardener on the soil of the Enlightenment. Science, bitches, it works! A sorta-disclaimer: my native language is not English. If you notice mistakes in spelling and/or grammar in my posts/channel, please tell me so I can avoid those mistakes in the future, i.e. so that I can learn. This can be easily generalized and hopefully reflects my attitude on feedback and critique; I expect to receive it when deserving for the sake of self-improvement and a better tomorrow overall. Hail Eris and Kek ================ I have created one group thus far: A Framework For A More Functional World "Let's build a framework for a more rational, logical and coherent way of governance by using the latest discoveries and innovations in technology and science, such as blockchains, decentralization, artificial intelligence and the like." ================ If, for one reason or another, you would like to tip me: Network fees on Bitcoin are ridiculously high, so here's a #DASH address: #DASH: Xveb LgkF jVcY 2k8BF 3uTz 9LqQ ju9r av7UK ================ In addition to my social media links, Reddit and probably VOAT coming later, perhaps a repository as well. If the links at the bottom are broken etc.: Twitter: ================ "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Nothing. There is nothing. AI Puppet Master.
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May 2017
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