
Besides, for tyrants and imperial cities nothing is unreasonable if expedient, no one a kinsman unless sure; but friendship or enmity is everywhere a matter of time and circumstance.  -- Euphemus of Athens c.415 BC I was minding my own business, just hanging about, when from nowhere a Common Hawaiian Fedora fluttered down to land on my head. "Fly away gentle fedora", I cried, "rejoin your flock on gusts of cliché and wafts of pineapple scent"; but alas, it remains, perched quietly there.
location_onNew South Wales, Australia
Twitter says I'm too controversial to be heard because I keep saying men are human. Go figure.
It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
banner image courtesy of @harp609 be sure to subscribe !! this is really cool i'm learning How to Encrypt All the Things @csharpner's website, 9/13/19 just found this very interesting website : 11/6/19 this website has up to the minute posts : 11/22/19 as of today, 135 posts under Invasion of White Lands : Formerly pinned post (w 50 comments): formerly pinned post 9/11 clip 29 comms:
Fleeing the toxic wasteland that has become Twitter.
My podcast: Freelance philosopher and political activist from Southern Italy; New Right, working class white, straight edge. I like traveling and Kanye West's music, I support Trump, Brexit and the Kurdish Resistance. Bitcoin: 15ztYCi8pnefopFYbdGwpxmNtLpFHhQa8j =============================== shave some time off -------------------- @FunnyMovies ← -------------------- @Tokens ← - - we're a libertarian site open speech kinda place, we'd prefer no ads than bowing to them. minds pride themselves on never censoring or banning non-illegal accounts. Our minds Group ============================= tnx for the wire @alexandriabernieheather x1 @lilycreek x3
Free Market of Ideas Supporter, I will not block anyone. I support, Remind, Wire and Boost Any Reports - Videos or Blogs on Exposing of Pedo Rings Arrests, Trials or Conventions Nationally & Internationally,. I believe that Pedophilia Crimes should be treated as Crimes Against Humanity. Even Yoshua said, It would be better for someone who hurts a child to have a mill stone tied around their neck and dumped into the sea rather than what is in store for them (paraphrased). I am a registered Republican with heavy Libertarian Ideas. I believe that government is parasitic and must be small for our safety. I am Christian, a follower of the Way and member of the Anglican Communion. I question the historicity of Islam and it's purported revelations on it's veracity alone. I support Kekistan Independence. I support freedom from Communism, Socialism or Fascism replacement with representative democracy, rule of law by independent judiciary, free independent journalism and the free exercise of all religions. I believe that international trade should be ranked in relation to the type of government they have with depots at the bottom (no trade) with increased tariffs on dictatorships, communist or repressive socialist [Venezuela or Sweden], diminishing tariffs on constitutional monarchies, representative democracy or republics based on their treatment of their citizens. I support Americana and investigative Citizen Reporting no matter the source. Truth is the imperative. I am genetically Latin with Irish overtones having family names from both parents that are tied to Mexico (Nueva España) and New Mexico and have ties to Mescalaro Apache with family ties to the Philippines as well. I have good ties to expat Vietnamese community. Born and Raised in Los Angeles California, educated in the public schools, college grad but have learned more since graduating. I am MGTOW but married with three adult children; two sons and a daughter. I desire that they have a future worth living defend and pass on to their children. I despise the NWO and any NGO that is tied into that malignant ideology. Soros and Clintons should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity for the deaths and destruction they have brought world wide. I also think that those in or were part of the US government that also have brought death and destruction should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity, ie. G.W. Bush and R. Chaney. I think that Crypo Currency will be the direction economies will need to use along with gold and silver. I think an alternative for currency would be to monetize energy production by any means based on the amount of energy necessary for a food crop to grow compared to that amount of energy used in the production of X amount of gold. I don't believe in human generated Climate Change or Global Warming. I do believe that we are governed by Solar Cycles combined with Tectonic movement and Volcanic activity. We are in a Grand Solar Minimum for the next 12 to 15 years meaning the globe will be getting cooler. I like art and music from antiquity to jazz, from cave art to computer generated work. I like animals and nature, good food and drink. Believe that self health care is the first step before big pharma. I admire Japanese wood working tech, Bonzi gardening and stone modifying. I admire craftsmanship in steel and bronze.
このチャンネルは私のお尻が太って見えるのですか? My YouTube Channel: Technology / Science / Future
Lover of freedom. Pro-nationalist, pro-freedom, pro-trump, pro-borders, pro-bmw, pro-conservative, pro-gun, pro-capitalism, pro-constitution, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, anti-globalist, anti-communist, anti-lbgtqrxz, anti-islam, anti-diversity, anti-sjw, anti-immigration. Conservative concerned about the state of affairs in the globalist-infected, liberal-infested western world which is being overrun by migrant invaders and destroyed by a genocidal globalist plot to destroy western society.
New South Wales, Australia
Mar 2017
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