I am a professional spray painter that worked for Cessna Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas from 1980-1986
was laid off and went to work for Boeing in April 1986 which is now called SpiritAerosystems in Wichita,Kansas. I am currently employed there and have 38 years of aircraft experience.
I seek no fame or fortune, I’m just the average guy that’s trying to make an honest living and provide for my family.
Common sense observation with an eclectic mix of topics ranging from lifestyle to politics. 5 Star Digital General.
Website: https://www.commonsenseevaluation.com
Bad example of a Christian. A military vet, and a political centrist now leaning libertarian. A pop culture observer and New Culture creator. A black American exposing the communist threat infecting Western institutions. Will never bend the knee.
I made memes, videos, gifs, music, voice overs, song parodies, podcasts. I guess I've come a long way from my original parody account. Former Technology Evangelist and Game Industry Veteran
[Legal Statement]
The views and opinions expressed by Mind's David Hogg are that of a fictional entity created for entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as anything other than entertainment. If you take offense to anything I post, you probably didn't get the joke.
I am not a doctor, lawyer or financial adviser. Don't take anything I say as medical, legal or financial advice.
[Notice to people who spam my comments] I charge $100 USD per spam post. I will find you and collect one way or another. I will take 100 minds tokens if you send them to me immediately after you spam post and will wave the $100
Hi!, I am a fellow traveler in this strange world. I love watching and commenting on the scenery as it goes by. I read and keep a list of it here on my timeline.
Happy Trails, Be well.
I share and remind topics and articles I find interesting. I may not agree with all points of the articles or videos that I share, but nevertheless see it as worth discussing. I believe in the Constitution of the United States and our Bill of Rights. I believe in the freedom of and for the individual. I believe in the absolute right of the individual to protect their lives, the lives of their kin and property. I believe in our God-given (whether you believe or not) human rights for all. I do not believe in extra or special rights or protections for anyone. This always leads to problems or a form of subjugation for those outside this special or "protected" class. I am for everyone being free to pursue their own livelihoods without other people or governments stepping in.
The only legitimate purpose of a valid government is to keep the shared interests of its citizens maintained and to protect our rights, property and freedoms. The government should NEVER be used to try to force views or thoughts onto its citizens, nor to silence them. I am usually polite and often enjoy a discussion with others, regardless of whether or not I may agree with you on everything. As long as what you are fighting for does not impede my freedoms, I may even change my mind from time to time.
Being offended is a neutral state for everyone except the person who is offended. If you are offended, you can learn to accept it, choose to ignore it, find a different path or reaction, or work to improve the factors involved; you may not change others to try to make them fit your perception of the correct way to do life. For your sake, if you are easily offended or can't live with the idea that others disagree with you, Grow Up. That is all.