Falor Ties

Just one more random 'netizen. Most of my posts are re-minds, things I stole fair and square. On rare occasion I'll find something elsewhere I count worthy of writing a post myself and boosting.
I focus on the digital and physical world. The four main categories that I sieve through information is: the digital, nutrition, fitness, and mentality. If I am not on a digital device, then I am out doing one of my endurance rucks of at least 20km with at least 10kg dry weight. And the rest of the time (with rucks included), I am sieving through a lot vocal content (audio books and podcasts). GROUPS: Rucking/Hiking: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1053950555302100992/feed Programming Memes: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1134042441347915776/feed Minds Limitlezz Extension: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1447411223627829257/feed FEDIVERSE: Mastodon: https://qoto.org/@barefootstache Pixelfed: https://pixelfed.de/barefootstache **DISCLAIMER** Most the content that is being shared through this account was found on the internet and thus this account does not claim to have ownership of the content. Although we believe that anything shared to the internet is public domain, we acknowledge that not everyone has the same point of view. Thus, if we share any content that infringes on your "terms and conditions" of such content, we would remove it.
Here and grateful to be so.
Awakened Conservative Patriot Open PGP Fingerprint: 2C22 DADD F73F 9861 A809 10CB 87E5 07F2 3A9B 6FB9
My page is not for the faint of heart, but then again, neither is the truth. I'm just a dude trying to figure everything out who likes sharing with other like-minded individuals. I don't belong to any party or group since I've realized... It's all 1 organization. But the democrats are trying to be the bane of freedom. Once you realize what your dissonance feels like, you have a powerful tool. Don't shy away from it, dive in. ;) Goodluck. P.S. Feel free to meme anything that I say, IDGAF, I don't make memes, it's all stolen. Maybe eventually I'll get along well enough with Linux... just do it! ;)
Mostly unhappy person. I ❤ LeBron James! Go Suns! I realize its a bit of a dichotomy - oh well 🤣
🤓: Writer: 🤡: Philosopher: 😎: Poet: 👀: Spiritualist and Sourcefinder
Oct 2016
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