
Former leftist weeb turned right-leaning centrist weeb. I came here to be able to say what I want when I want. Still trying to decide what kind of content I'll make here. Fuck actual fascism, fuck commies, fuck the CCP, fuck corporations. I support my fellow human beings who are sick of being stomped upon, even if they believe in a different solution to our problem.
Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
26, Male Atheist / Anarcho-Capitalist Free speech & Non-Aggression Principle absolutist. Member of SOX Honesty, empathy, and logic. "Time for a little Rebellion." - Dante, DmC "We speak honestly, though the skies fall and people faint." - Stefan Molyneux Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Network Engineering Associate in Science in Electronic Systems Engineering Computer hobbyist/enthusiast since 1998. Hardcore anime junkie since 1997. YouTube content creator since April 9th, 2008. I used to make shitty AMVs with Movie Maker. Then I made good AMVs with Vegas. Now I make educational videos, occasionally stream, and wax philosophical. I want to get back to AMVs too. Element: @virtualaxiom:matrix.org Element Community: https://matrix.to/#/+blacklotusfamilia:matrix.org Twatbird: https://twitter.com/VirtualAxiom Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/virtualaxiom BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/virtualaxiom/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kiripro2008 Rumble coming soon.
Welcome! My name is Jenny Lynn and I am a traditional artist. I primarily paint & draw and I also dabble (a bit) with other forms of creative media like filming, photography, and design. Aside from art I love hiking, travel, music, film, dancing, strange foods, books, meditation, retro/vintage things, learning, animals and various other adventures. contact: [email protected] [ https://linktr.ee/theatfulworldofjennylynn ]
Bob Saget RAPED and KILLED a girl in 1990!
Just your humble meme dealer.
CVIII / gast-bona / 41824 / TheSocialOne
Nomadic travel is my dream and financing it through crypto is how I reach my goals.
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Jan 2021
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