Reasons I use social media
To share things about myself.
To reveal thoughts without words by sharing links.
To create a virtual tapestry of documents, ideas and experiences.
To keep a record of information for reference.
To learn from others...and passively spectate.
Why not take an unorthodox look at our meaningless lives in the hope that we can better ourselves by discarding trivial nonsense?
Web Development
Anime Memes
I'm an Irish American who is getting sick and tired of the Left-Wing Liberal/Progressive PC culture that has infiltrated every form of academia, entertainment, and other platforms. I'm a Libertarian, a Capitalist, an Individualist, an Anti-SJW, and I support the U.S. Constitution. I believe that everyone should have the right to freedom of speech.
CashApp if you like my content:
Be sure to follow me on Gab: https://gab.com/DrTriggerWarning
"If a society is to be free, its government has to be controlled." Ayn Rand