DIY dude, Tech Projects, Home Renovations, Engineering Student, Ham Radio Operator, Photography. Navy Veteran. Sometimes I post my projects & video game clips on Rumble and Bitchute.
I'm a Mechanical Engineer, an artist and a python programmer.
Not all the contents you find on my channel belong to me. My posts may share contrary views to that held by you but it's normal giving how heterogeneous we are - opinions, beliefs ,views etc are also bound to be.
I have no faith in any government. As far as I am concerned, it is run by politicians who will always put their personal interests ahead of the well-being of the masses.
My channel will be a reflection of my personal life.
I will post art works some of which will be mine. I am a football lover so expect a lot of football updates from my channel. Also expect a lot of humorous content from me - I love jokes.
I will also be accepting offers to make commissioned portraits for interested persons here on the platform.
Liberty-leaning Originalist, Pro 1A & 2A, Patriot, Retired Counter-Intel/ LEO, and gun toting toxic Alpha Male... I hunt the evil you pretend doesn't exist, NRA life member, and Army Vet... We must AUDIT all 50 States and get rid of the ES&S voting machines, DOMINION voting machines, and SMARTMATIC voting software... Until then, ALL election are UNSECURE and FRAUD...Opinions don't matter, Lets talk facts!
A living soul, Sui Juris, Jus Soli
Without Prejudice, Without Recourse
All rights retained.
Notice to agents is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents. UCC §3-402 (b)(1). UCC 1-308 & 1-103.
Holistic Health only!