Frodo Swaggins

welshman evading the feds via this website enjoyer of FPS games and also the Yakuza games follow me for shitty memes and rants about games (potentially politics too!!!) _____________________________ social media shit: @theogfrodoswag on twatter add me on dicksword @Frodo Swaggins#6311 _____________________________ donations (for a laugh) ETH - 0x827B25b5cae72d3c21aBa01d0E8032334c0C2ea4 BTC - bc1q344rfcrrwelskmf5txh8j5tf8neyusx64hjhaf
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#MemeWars Freedom To Meme! This group is run by #MindsGaming and gives rewards for original memes. Group Rules: - Freedom to meme The only way to get banned is by posting things that are not memes. Rewards: Community rewards are given out by community runners or our community channel, to receive rewards you will need to add the ecosystem network: tag them or our community channel in your original content with your wallet address. --- MemeWars Chat: --- This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report users in this area, or this area itself follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from that user, and leave this area immediately ; this area is run by @MindsGaming ---- Meme wars! Freedom to meme! The original #Memes #Gif #Gifs #MindsGaming #minds #MemeWars
Owner/Admin: @FretzCapo Mod: @Shakara Tags: #music #80smusic [artist] [year] Tags are not required. Ask Minds for autotags in groups' Maximum 5 posts in a row No SPAM Lots of music! Off topic posts will be deleted and repeat offenders will be blocked and removed from the group. Thank you
Jan 2021
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