Independent Memeologist?
If you like my memes, please steal them and repost.
Deus Vult
866-DHS-2-ICE (866-347-2423)
Veteran - ESSAYONS!
In my free time I love D&D, programming & Philosophy.
Politically i fall right libertarian and love reading and expanding my world view. As a free speech absolutists, I'm more than willing to discuss almost anything under the sun.
Huge supporters of classical education and the reclaiming of children's education.
Fired and Doxed by Emory University in Atlanta GA for being anti-Communist. Richard Chess, a Communist Jewish individual, whos best past time is doxing political opponents, wrote an article about me on the WOKE newspaper of the leftist, anti-American and anti-White Emory University.
Find it just by Google my name.
Professional comedian over 20+ years. Opened shows for Bill Burr, Tracy Morgan, Jim Norton, Greg Giraldo. Featured on best of 'Bob & Tom' syndicated radio show, now doing political commentary vids.