
@gangstermailsexy came partly from a realization that the entire world is run by gangsters in one form or another. not long after having this epiphany i came up with the idea to get the website (i thought it was funny because that's what gmail stands for right? and i could setup my own email server with email addresses [email protected]) anyway i couldn't afford the nearly $3,000 dollars they wanted for the domain, so i waited. eventually some genius decided to whip up new top level domains and make them available to the people of earth. i happened to be browsing clever website names and couldn't help but notice the .sexy tld. put gangstermail and .sexy together for the rock bottom price of 22 bucks and my website target="" rel=""> was born! the motto "redefining gangster" is my solution to the problem of an entire planet being riddled with gangsters. if you have ever tried to live among a seemingly endless army of gangsters you know the only way you can is with laughter otherwise you will be crushed or just disappear. just saying out loud still makes me smile :} by redefining a concept you are able to give it new life and direction. for example when a younger person says "damn that's gangster", anyone who has been through some gangster shit knows it isn't. therefore if we use gangster to describe things such as being a good role model and holding family, heart and realness to the highest regard we are effectively redefining gangster and making the world a better place for all. now that's gangster gangstermailsexy đến một phần từ một nhận thức rằng toàn thế giới được điều hành bởi các băng đảng trong một hình thức này hay cách khác. không lâu sau khi tôi đi Có esta Epiphony Up với những suy nghĩ để có được những trang web (i nghĩ rằng nó là hài hước đó là những gì gmail Bởi vì đứng cho đúng? và tôi có thể thiết lập máy chủ email riêng của tôi Với địa chỉ email [email protected]) dù sao tôi không thể đủ khả năng gần 3.000 đô la họ muốn cho tên miền, vì vậy tôi chờ đợi. cuối cùng một số thiên tài quyết định roi lên các tên miền cấp cao mới và làm cho chúng có sẵn cho người dân của trái đất. tôi tình cờ đang duyệt tên trang web thông minh và không thể không chú ý đến .sexy tld. gangstermail và .sexy đặt lại với nhau với mức giá dưới đá của 22 USD và trang web của tôi ra đời! Phương châm "định nghĩa lại gangster" là giải pháp của tôi cho vấn đề của toàn bộ hành tinh bị thủng với bọn côn đồ. Bạn đã bao giờ thử nếu để sống một dường như vô tận Trong quân đội của xã hội đen bạn biết cách duy nhất bạn có thể là với tiếng cười Nếu không, bạn sẽ chỉ biến mất hoặc bị nghiền nát. chỉ nói thành tiếng vẫn khiến tôi mỉm cười :) bởi xác định lại một khái niệm bạn có thể để cho nó sống và hướng đi mới. ví dụ Khi một người trẻ nói "chết tiệt đó là xã hội đen" Bất cứ ai đã thông qua một số shit xã hội đen biết nó không phải là. Do đó, nếu chúng ta dùng để mô tả sự vật xã hội đen: chẳng hạn như là một tấm gương tốt và giữ gia đình, trái tim và tính thực tế để các quan cao nhất, chúng tôi đang xác định lại xã hội đen và làm cho có hiệu quả trên thế giới thành một nơi tốt đẹp hơn cho tất cả. bây giờ đó là xã hội đen Minds Images Heros that have a place to stand!! FretzCapo's Channel Spotlight The Happiness Club! crop circles MemeWars DREAMS & NIGHTMARES Fluoride II Fluoride *Gno- End The War On Drugs Unfuck The World OPEN CHAT Minds User Group CHARdmp Linux grub chemtrails/atmospheric meddling SMASH YOUR TV! some other websites i support:
location_oni don't typically use private messaging, nothing personal
Hello my name is Justin! I am married and I have a cat named august:) I like to read, journal, meditate and dream. My goal is to master dreaming, in such a way that I can exist in them and be aware. I am going to be posting my dreams when I feel they warrant a post, I also will post some pictures and memes I make! Have a lovely day ;)
Who am I? I am a member of the fast growing un-silent majority that is sick of the insanity that’s been going on in this country for far too long. What insanity am I referring to? Where should I begin? To start with, what ever happened to common sense in this country? When did the American population become so ignorant that they believe almost anything they hear from their favorite politician or talking heads in the media without first doing an ounce of due diligence? When was a constitutional amendment passed that says people now have the “right” not to be “offended…” ever… by anyone or anything? Furthermore, when people do get “offended” by something, when did their right to “peaceably assemble” and protest, become a right to riot, or cause harm to others? Whatever happened to, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch?” When did equal opportunity morph into equal results? When did it become the “in” thing for everyone to be a “victim” of something? When did personal accountability cease to matter? When did it start to make sense that as a nation, we could spend our way out of being bankrupt? Today, more and more “real news” is being labeled “fake news” as part of a larger agenda on the part of both the mainstream media, and their accomplices in social media. You know what's really disturbing? When did we reach a point in American society when someone who merely questions the statements of known liars is branded with a scarlet letter, and labeled a “conspiracy theorist?” My name is Michael DePinto. I am “The Voice of Reason” at The Last Great Stand, and I am also an Attorney. Do I think I have all the answers to the issues I either write or talk about? No, of course not. In fact, I would venture to say I have far less answers than I have questions. The only thing I claim to know with 100% certainty, is that the very institutions Americans “should” be able to rely on for critical and important news, rarely ever tell the truth anymore… ever! It’s not that the mainstream media lies about every single story they report on, but they almost never convey anything remotely resembling the entire truth on much either. What concerns me most, and why I’ve decided to speak out, is that nowhere near enough other people in this country are asking tough questions about some of the nonsense that comes from either the woefully corrupt and dishonest mainstream media, or from politicians in Washington. For the record, let’s be clear; so much of what is communicated to “We the People” by the very institutions Americans have every reason to expect the truth from, is total, complete, and utter nonsense. Nonsense! Countless studies have shown that confidence in the mainstream media is at an all-time low right now, but it’s not enough for people to know the media is not trustworthy. Why? Because for many people, the mainstream media’s version of a story is the only version they ever hear. Thanks to Wikileaks, during the 2016 presidential election many of the long-standing suspicions about collusion between Democrats and the mainstream media were 100% vindicated. Much of what was once labeled as “conspiracy theory,” is now documented “conspiracy fact,” but leave it to the mainstream media to never let a few facts get in the way of their otherwise perfectly pre-written narratives. Rather than try to win back the confidence of the American people, the mainstream media has decided to “double down,” and for the most part they make very little effort to hide their liberal bias these days. It’s alarming how many Americans are of the mistaken belief that President Trump can solve many of the problems that plague this country. The condition is sometimes jokingly referred to as "Trumphoria." Regardless of how much I support Donald Trump, the idea that he can solve all this country's problems is more total nonsense! Are things going to get “better” in America under a President Trump than under another corrupt President Clinton, or even any of the other 16 GOP candidates Donald Trump ran against during the primaries? Without a doubt they will, however “better” is a relative term. Because academia and the mainstream media have both become institutions that are almost exclusively controlled by the far-left liberal ideology, there are are far too many major issues that aren’t even being discussed by any Americans, much less debated. As I said earlier, do I claim that to have all the answers? No, of course not. Will I be wrong at times? Without a doubt! I am just one man, and I don’t have anywhere near the resources that the mainstream media has at its disposal, so it’s important not to miss the forest through the trees. Some people will insist on focusing on the one part of any given story I may get wrong, while completely glossing over ten other things that are not only spot on, but are also absurdly alarming. My goal is to shine a light on many of the issues that the mainstream media is guaranteed not to report on, and I hope to
i don't typically use private messaging, nothing personal
Jul 2015
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