
Monarchist, catholic, conservative, parlamentarian, apologist for democracy, statist. Graduate of theology in postgrad course discernig a call to monastic life. Instagram photographer, historian, researcher, nurse. Migrating from twitter and facebook to minds.
Unapologetic Cultural Libertarian Sh1tl0rd Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam ___ Veteran of #GamerGate and #ProjectChanology, former ZS loyalist and youtube shitlord. Gamer and Egalitarian. #BlockTheBot High Command. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and shitpost... and I'm all out of bubble gum." Anti-SJW "Community" group: MemeFarmers group: My OCD kicked in recently and I tagged all my relevant posts with various hashtags to make them searchable with one click... #FreeKekistan #PunchItChewie : Sci Fi, Geek and Nerd Culture. Mostly memes, not gonna lie. #justAntiSJWthings : It's how we roll. #writteninbloodcaffeineandnicotine : Things I've written here on Minds that I thought were worth filing in one place. #TheFifthEstateNews: News #likeaboss : Putin Shilling #godemperor : Trump Shilling #malfunctioninghillary : Hating Hillary #SkyrimIRL #DragonageIRL : #Syria : News and Current Affairs #BodyCount : "And you shall know them by the trail of dead." #1984wasnotsupposedtobeaninstructionmanual : The prophecies of the Prophet George Orwell (PBUH) #TakeDownTheMedia : taken from an Andrew Breitbart quote, the MSM is anathema #FakeNews ^related #ThugLife : #freespeechmatters : #youtubeheroes : #JustMassEffectThings : #Messiah : Dune #Prophet : Kurt Cobain #MakeWarhammerGreatAgain:
Lucky enough to retire early. Seeing the world with my lovely wife is the best life I could ever imagine for myself
A Staunch Britexiteer, Nationalist & Anti Marxist
I'm known to talk shit from time to time, but only in an eloquent and wordy all knowing type of way. Good stuff... Big things. Well earned. Subscribe
SUBSCRIBE & REMIND Postings of real news, comics/memes, and videos pertaining to the following: Anti-SJW, -BLM, -ANTIFA, -MSM, -modern feminism, -censorship, -Sharia Law, -illegal immigration, -immigrant non assimilation, -extremism (Islamic or any other), -racism (not the Leftists' definition), -Democrat, -liberal higher education, -white male apologist, -forced multiculturalism Pro-truth, -critical thought, -common sense, -free speech, -civil debate, -progressive conservatism, -modern nationalism, -military, -women, -decency, -gun rights, -MAGA, -U.S. Constitution, -animal rights, -environment, -limited government "A man who will not die for something is not fit to live." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
I Love To Grow Marijuana! "You’re missing the point if you feel left out. You can be as involved as you want to be, just go make something happen. Find something you think needs doing, recruit some people to help if you need help, and do it. Are you waiting for an invitation or permission from somebody?" - unknown
Independent journalist
Feb 2017
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