Indie Writer, History Buff, Gamer, Prolific sharer of memes, Occasional Movie Reviewer and Generally Curious Guy.
No politics. Just escapism.
Take a look in my Blogs section for sample chapters, works in progress and my series of Choose Your Own Adventure stories!
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You can find my books here:
Feline - Meow.
When not at second life, I post things that normally bring a smile to my face.
(art, cartoons, recipes, memes, pictures taken 'inworld' from SL.)
I also play ESO = Elder Scrolls Online.
I have written a few blog posts on second life topics. Hopefully the blog posts can help get someone started; or give a general idea of what they are about to leap into.
In my own pixelated SL universe:
I enjoy landscaping & decorating to create nice photo backdrops.. I make the occasional piece of furniture.
I have one of the largest SL adult libraries available. I spent four years of collecting notecard books; and putting books to notecard. (Then building/creating to contain said cards.) Nothing on card where copyrights are in question. I only want to further a bit of intelligence via reading & this is my small part to help in that.
I also like messing about with a Teegle-pet horse. You know those horses have a mind of their own. And the horses do get into trouble if you aren't right there to watch and enjoy them.
When wandering the long roads in ESO:
Loot it. Loot it all! Khajiit was framed!
I have any number of quest bosses I would love to have help killing.. Just ask if you want to go kill a quest boss. And if you want a werewolf bite, I'm that kitty!
Other than that, fishing. I like fishing.. What khajiit wouldn't like fishing?
Cadwell was right when he said it was even the sound of the word when it leaves the mouth.. Quest.. Questing..