
I'm the best of my kind
#AllLivesMatter or #NoLivesMatter......... Also I don't support the left or right, just so you know... Just here posting memes and funny videos. I don't down vote or block users, you're free to act silly, it's a free speech platform :)) but you're definitely sure I won't pay attention to your silliness, at my age I am way past petty adolescent behaviors. Lastly, I identify as "DEMIGOD".
Chicken salad everyday keeps the doctor away Sovereignty Free Speech Advocate Outdoors Lover Nature heals... you don't need pharmaceuticals Firm believer that common sense is lacking in today's world Wannabe physicist Backyard Cosmologist Still searching for the wormhole
* Meme Connoisseur & Bitcoin Cyber Hornet * Facetiously woke and sincerely ironic * Tend towards irreverent satire, parody and the appreciation of underappreciated puns * Focus on general politics, current affairs and commentary * Monetary Justice Warrior * Mainly, Newshound timeously delivers the dankest of dank memes 🥃 ------------------------------ WALL OF FAME: * @KenClark * @suicidal_thinker * @martin_maniac * @Inquisitor_Firebrand * @ultraface_part_deux * @SkylerBearGunn * @heavymetalsettles * @terrygrieve * @Free_Range_Human * @mrniceguy89 * @spaceman23 * @professedknight * @CKurti * @bodinii * @deckenkatze * @nerddestroyer * @sustainablefashion * @journeyman23 Get on the WALL OF FAME by joining the SILVER (Spicy Memes Tier) membership here: https://www.minds.com/newshoundza/shop Subscribe today to get the free weekly Bitcoin Breakdown newsletter here: https://www.btcbreakdown/subscribe
This channel posts the most interesting things to keep this world as interesting as possible.
Get rich or say the N word tryin'
Paul Joseph Watson is a British online commentator, conspiracy theorist, and writer. His political stance has been described by the New York Times as being part of the “New Far Right".
Truthstream Media is not your mainstream news! Welcome to teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we live in. Aaron Dykes and Melissa Dykes (formerly Melton) created TruthstreamMedia.com as an outlet to try and figure out what in the hell is really going on while we watch history repeat itself over and over and over...
My Site focuses on reacting to videos on the web. For Business inquiries & sponsorships request contact me are the email Below! [email protected] My YouTube channel is youtube.com/channel/UCQYv8o_6M1ZP133MD1u9KPA?sub_confirmation=1
rad trad gamer dad. shitposting, music, pipes, beer. i'll try to post about my DIY projects. #ohio supremacist add me on matrix, always looking for frens (that don't glow)
Apr 2018
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